What is IELTS?

IELTS is an English language test for study, migration or work. Over three million people take our test every year. IELTS is accepted by more than 11,000 employers, universities, schools and immigration bodies around the world.

Ensuring quality and fairness

An overview of some of the key features of IELTS and how they contribute to reliable, relevant and fair language assessment.

Ensuring quality and fairness

IELTS assessment criteria

Learn more about how IELTS is scored and download the band descriptors which describe written and spoken performance at each of the nine IELTS bands.

IELTS scoring in detail
Man in library

Prepare for the test

Once you are familiar with the IELTS test format, you will need to undertake a number of focused preparation activities.

How to prepare

Find out more about IELTS

Are you a teacher?

We have resources for you!

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Are you a researcher?

Check out our research reports!

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Over 11,000 organisations have chosen IELTS for language skills verification!

Why accept IELTS scores?