Support » Plugin: Yoast SEO » Is Yoast SEO worth it?

  • Are you looking to enhance your SEO? Look no forther than Yoast Plugin. This review expalins how you get the most out of it’s fuctions.

    What is Yoast Plugin? Yoast SEO Plugin is one of the most downloaded WordPress plugins of all time. It makes it simple for your site to meet the most noteworthy technical SEO standards. It gives you the instruments to carry your substance to the best expectations of SEO with comprehensibility. Its effectively the most comprehensive SEO related wordpress plugin and best of all, it’s mostly free!

    The best part of Yoast SEO plugin is it’s focus keyword feature; this wordpress plugin lets you use upto 5 focus keywords. Using this, you can easily optimize your article for that particular keyword and easily get better ranking in Google search. Yoast SEO will allow you to add SEO title, open graph meta, twitter cards, sitemaps, ping search engines, meta description, and meta keywords to each post and page of your site

    Yaost SEO and 404 disovery? How does Yaost SEO deal with numerous keywords and SEO highlights?

    Yoast SEO doesn’t offer any google keyword suggestion feature and has nofollow external link control making it hard to link blog to outbound links or affiliate from blog posts.However, the notable problem that hapenned with Yoast SEO Plugin was related to images. Due to some bug, websites image attachments atsrted getting indexed and thats why many websites saw a huge traffic drop. However, you have the option to re-direct images to root page, add missing ALT and TITLE attributes.

    Another challenge i found with this plugin is that most of it’s premium features such keeping track of all the 404 page not found errors, necessitates visiting the google search console and not on the monitor screen; abit time wasting really. Some features such as role managing for multi-author blogs are non-existent. This means the interface leaves room for improvement. As regards SERP results, Yoast SEO comes in handy to offer full schema support as per your content, with the option of using a separate schema plugin such as MyThemeShop WP Rich Snippets plugin which has recently been revamped.

    Yaost SEO however, offers great support with their team. I found it really amazing to have a team of very active members wo will answer your questions withihn 24 hours time. They believe that SEo should permeate all aspects of your online marketing so their plugin is extensive and offers you a multitude of customization options. The plugin makes timely updates with added features for their preminum box and the free goodies. It gives very good tips to your onpage optimization and is prety relaible in my experience. I use a free version of Yoast SEO on all my SEO campaigns and it easily follows the KISS (keep it stupid simple) to keep in the loop.They have additional video tutorials to make your experience worthwhile.

    As an alternative, please consider Rank Math. It’s a good alternative that offers some of these SEO premium features for free. Bluehost and WordFence Security are also worth checking out. If you are looking to get real time monitoring and SEO, check every part of your site for searchability based on keywords, Yoast SEO is what you are looking for. Download it from WordPress Directory for free or go premium for more options.

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