Support » Plugin: wp-Typography » Shortcodes compatibility

  • Resolved etiennesamson


    I am using shortcodes to easily display several items for a client.
    The thing is they aren’t replaced anymore, that appens since I have installed and activate wp-Typography plugin.

    Two examples : the plugin is installed and activated the plugin is not installed.

    If you look with desktop resolution, you will be able to see a social menu in the footer. In the first case the shortcodes are not replaced and in the seconds, the icons are well displayed.

    I did activate the shortcode support for the menu and did put an order of execution that is very low to ensure the shortcode conversion early in code execution.

    If you have any clues, I would be very glad.
    Thank you in advance

    The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]

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  • Plugin Author pepe


    It appears those shortcodes are only evaluated after wp-Typography runs. What priority did you give to running do_shortcode for that footer menu? The shortcodes are not replaced because they have been hyphenated (e.g. [vert-face­book-icon]).

    Plugin Author pepe


    Do you still need help, @etiennesamson?

    Plugin Author pepe


    I assume the issue has been resolved. If you still need help, feel free to reopen, @etiennesamson.

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