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Nadia Asparouhova
cloudcat // I wrote a book:
Miaminadia.xyzJoined June 2011

Nadia Asparouhova’s Tweets

Founders and technologists should actively tell their own stories and not leave it to outsiders with their own (very different) agendas. Technology is where it's at these days, with stories very much worth recording for the future. Nobody else is going to get it right.
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1/ Big announcement: we've been working with director Greg Kohs on a documentary about cryptocurrency and Coinbase over the last three years, and it will be coming out this Friday on Amazon Prime/iTunes/YouTube etc. See the trailer here:
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And in this case, I’d strongly encourage those selecting an NFT license to consider the historical precedent set by OSS licenses and Creative Commons, the creative output it has enabled, and whether they want to uphold that moving forward.
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I continue to be insanely impressed by a16z’s contributions to crypto. And I think these licenses are generally a positive development. But the laws isn’t meant to be ironclad: it’s an opportunity to provoke civil discussion.
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I find this new precedent to be especially curious in a crypto context because a16z’s stated goal is that “no single person can manipulate these systems for their own benefit or affect them with a moral judgment.” But hate speech is *always* determined subjectively.
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IMO upholding this norm is part of what it means to be a creator, even when it’s difficult. Sometimes people remix your ideas in ways that suck, but trying to control it subjectively is bad for the public domain. (Imagine if doctors could choose who to treat, for example.)
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That norm has been challenged in recent years. In 2018, a prominent OSS developer tried to amend an MIT license to prevent ICE (US immigration and customs enforcement) “collaborators” from using their project. The core team reverted this change.
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For historical context: OSS licenses became more standardized in the late 1990s to encourage sharing and remixing. Both the FSF’s “four freedoms” and the OSS Initiative firmly upheld that they should not restrict use for any reason. All major OSS licenses follow this precedent.
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The inclusion of a “hate speech termination” clause is a curious new precedent for a16z crypto’s NFT licenses.
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1/ Today we’re thrilled to be launching a slate of open sourced “Can’t be Evil” NFT licenses. These licenses are designed specifically for NFTs and were inspired by 20-plus years of work by the Creative Commons.
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ay! just published a big report It's about crypto philanthropy. Just as much as the research was born out of the desire to objectively document an emerging scene, it was also spawned by the need to personally reckon with why I spend time around crypto
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I think this could be one of the most important books of our generation, for reasons I'll write about at some point, but briefly... Hegemony is migrating from British empire -> America -> digital state, and we've barely started to understand what that next phase will look like.
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I've been writing a book on how to start a new country. It's finally coming out. You can preorder it now. It arrives on July 4.
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Philanthropy is often misunderstood as charity, but historically = risk capital for public goods (just as venture capital is to private goods) Tech + crypto are learning to wield this influence, and I want to write about it from a macro, ethnographic lens. More to come!
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A major cultural divide bw web 2.0 vs. today: the idea that we can fund content by creating scarcity on production, not consumption side. - Consumption = public good (freely available) - Production = club good (limited access) Paywalls, subs are focused on limiting consumption
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a lot of people seem to miss that the entire point of NFTs is to make content FREE while making ownership scarce. nobody is forcing you to pay for an NFT, you can still enjoy it FOR FREE alongside everybody else. you like my music? you can have it for free.
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I like this distinction on Arc Institute's website between two behaviors, both of which have their place at different times: * Curiosity-driven work (“to understand X”) * Goal-oriented work (“to solve X”)
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I've long been interested in new ways to organize science and enable curiosity-driven discovery. Today, in partnership with @Stanford, @UCBerkeley, and @UCSF, we're excited to announce Arc Institute, a new undertaking in this vein:
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