
We create unique
designs for WordPress

AinoBlocks is our latest theme and blocks project for the WordPress editor.

Aino WordPress Block Pattern
WordPress Block Patterns Aino
WordPress Block Patterns Aino

WordPress is

And we are building a completely new theme and blocks system for the WordPress block editor. Our AinoBlocks theme, blocks and pattern collection enables you to build unique, versatile websites with ease.

Sharing our

Writing a blog and communicating with fellow WordPress and design lovers has always been our passion. Our ElmaStudio website first started as a blog. Over the years, we have published over 800 posts. Read more about design, WordPress, coding, typography, remote work and self-employment.

Hi there

we are Ellen
and Manuel

Ellen und Manuel von ElmaStudio
We are a small team and we love it.

A developer and designer team who craft, code and talk about WordPress and design since 2009. We love to support people who want to build their own distinctive presence on the web.

Try out AinoBlock!

We are building a boutique Full Site Editing theme and blocks collection for the next generation of WordPress →