Sticky Posts – Switch


This plugin adds a new column to the post admin columns that allows you to easily mark a post so that it is sticky.
Sticky Posts is a WordPress feature only for posts, with this plugin you can use this feature also with custom post types.

Features of sticky posts

  • enables you to use the sticky posts feature with every custom post type on front page, archive page or category page
  • quick and bulk edit support for custom post types
  • selection of the post type (post or custom post type)
  • selection of the color of the switch icon
  • customized order of the column showing the switch icon
  • use only built-in WordPress functions
  • the star-icon switch saves the posts in the sticky status immediately with ajax
  • optionally, set all translations of a post sticky, supports Polylang and MultilingualPress


  • The sticky post column at the admin list post page
  • Plugin settings


  1. Upload ‘sticky-posts-switch’ to the ‘/wp-content/plugins/’ directory, or install the plugin through the WordPress plugins screen directly.
  2. Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ screen in WordPress.
  3. You will now have the new column “Sticky Post” in the post admin screen.


Where can I config the plugin?

In the menu, navigate to the item “Settings -> Sticky Posts”

Why can’t I find my own type of content (custom post type) in the list?

The only types of content displayed are those declared as public.
See register post type.

I found a bug, what shall I do?

If you have found a bug in my plugin, please send me an email with a short description.
I will fix the bug as soon as possible.

You like my plugin and you’d like to support me?

Thank you very much!
In case you want to show how much you appreciate my work, I’d be very grateful if you could give me positive rating with WordPress-Page and/or donate a small amount to me.


August 23, 2022
Clean and simple implementation, super easy to use, excellent UI, exactly what I was looking for. Using native wp functions is the icing on the cake. Love this!
April 18, 2021
I was just getting ready to implement this myself. Very happy you saved me the trouble! The ability to click the stars in the admin interface is also a super nice addition. Wonderful work! Thank you so much! PRO tip: Although, I couldn't find it documented anywhere, as a developer you can get a list of all the sticky posts with get_option('sticky_posts')
February 11, 2021
Works like a charm, if you use sticky posts this plugin is a must 🙂
July 31, 2020
Saved me a few hours! Thank you very much!
Read all 13 reviews

Contributors & Developers

“Sticky Posts – Switch” is open source software. The following people have contributed to this plugin.


“Sticky Posts – Switch” has been translated into 1 locale. Thank you to the translators for their contributions.

Translate “Sticky Posts – Switch” into your language.

Interested in development?

Browse the code, check out the SVN repository, or subscribe to the development log by RSS.



  • Dev – Added the filter “wp_sticky_posts_switch_checkbox_label_text”


  • Dev – Tested up with WordPress 6.0.1
  • Dev – Code optimizations


  • Fix – Supported multilingual plugins text in settings page


  • Feature – Add support for Polylang
  • Fix – Sticky post removed after save post (Gutenberg)
  • Dev – Remove support for WPML (WPML actually has this same functionality)


  • Feature – Add support for the sticky post class
  • Dev – Tested up with WordPress 5.2.3
  • Dev – Code optimizations
  • Dev – Improvement for better main instance call
  • Fix – Retrieve the correct queried object for the filtered wp_query


  • Fix – Maximum function nesting level error issue


  • Improvement for better handling in wp_query filters


  • Add new settings “show on front page” for each post type
  • Default posts are now able to activate/deactivate the sticky feature on “front page” or “posts page”


  • Add new settings table for post types, archive pages and taxonomy pages
  • Removed setting “ignore retrieved posts”
  • Language pot file update


  • Code and performance optimizations
  • Bugfix in the WPML integration
  • Translation fixes


  • Code and performance optimizations
  • Translation fixes
  • Throw an JavaScrip alert on ajax sticky / unsticky error


  • Code and performance optimizations
  • Hide the sticky post column at the post trash page


  • Bugfixes in the “the_posts” filter for custom post types


  • Add bulk and quick edit support for custom post types
  • Add a icon animation during ajax loading
  • Add an ajax queue for a better switch experience
  • Update the post states immediately after sticky/unsticky a post
  • Redesign of the settings page
  • Code optimization
  • Translation fixes


  • Readme update
  • Translation fixes


  • Translation fixes
  • Add multilingual support for WPML and MultilingualPress


  • Initial Release