Flexible Table Block


Merge and Split Cells

You can merge or split cells from multiple selected cells.

Flexible Styling

You can set various styles for each tag of table, cell, and caption indivisually.

Advanced UI

You can easily select a batch of cells in a section, or select, add, or delete rows and columns with the buttons.

Responsive Support

You can set the table to scroll horizontally on both Desktop and mobile, and arrange cells vertically on mobile.
The breakpoints for switching between Desktop and mobile can be changed freely.


  • Merge and Split Cells
  • Flexible Styling
  • Advanced UI
  • Responsive Support


This plugin provides 1 block.

  • Flexible Table Create flexible configuration table.


  1. Upload the flexible-table-block folder to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory.
  2. Activate the plugin through the \’Plugins\’ menu in WordPress.


August 28, 2022
The plugin is the most flexible among others presented on the market today. I've tried them all, paid and free. The plugin requires a 1-2 day learning curve to understand why sometimes the table looks as not expected. I also wish the developer released a new version with the following features implemented right in the GUI with no need to use additional classes which may be hard for newbies: 1. Hide a particular column on Mobile view only 2. Customize table cells styles, font size etc separately for Desktop and Mobile view. 3. Have more styles for cells design.
July 25, 2022
Just enough to put one or two tables in a site (or more obviously) and be able to style them easily. This avoids daping heavy and oversized plugins. Thanks.
May 13, 2022
カスタムブロックをフルに活かせるプラグインです。 一度使うと手が離せません。これまでは、カスタムHTMLでテーブルを作成しておりましたが、このプラグインで解決できます。
April 11, 2022
デフォルトのテーブルブロックではできなかった便利な機能がたくさん追加されます。 個人的には一列目のth化、セルの結合、セルの一括選択と編集、セルの文字色や背景色などが助かりました。
March 13, 2022
グーテンベルクに対応した新しい表。表の中でcssを適応できたり、セル背景色の変更などかゆいところに手が届くプラグインになっており、重宝しております。 本当にありがとうございます。
Read all 10 reviews

Contributors & Developers

“Flexible Table Block” is open source software. The following people have contributed to this plugin.


“Flexible Table Block” has been translated into 2 locales. Thank you to the translators for their contributions.

Translate “Flexible Table Block” into your language.

Interested in development?

Browse the code, check out the SVN repository, or subscribe to the development log by RSS.



  • Tested to WordPress 6.1
  • Drop support for WordPress 5.8
  • Enhancement: Polish block sidebar UI
  • Enhancement: Polish UI in Global Setting modal
  • Doc: Use code tags in some text
  • Fix: Don’t apply typography support styles to the placeholder
  • Fix: register_block_type path


  • Add: Loading status to global settings button
  • Clean: Use code tags for text in the options section
  • Fix: Overflow of input field in placeholder
  • Fix: Block toolbar doesn’t appear in HTML edit mode


  • Change: Style to break lines in cells


  • Change: Don’t update cell tag when cell settings are cleared
  • Fix: Certain operations break the block


  • Add: id, headers, scope attribute controls to cell settings
  • Fix: Browser warning error
  • Fix: Not transformed to core table block correctly


  • Fix: Scrolli table doesn’t show edges
  • Add: Help text about scroll table
  • Add: Style to break lines in cells


  • Tested to WordPress 6.0
  • Fix: Clearing the table settings and then saving the post breaks the block
  • Fix: Adjust indicator style


  • Add: Margin support
  • Fix: Cell CSS class is not cleared when cell settings are cleared
  • Fix: Output of incorrect inline CSS


  • Fix: Cell CSS class is reset


  • Update: Block preview
  • Fix: Error when installing from block directory


  • Add: Option to move cells with the tab key
  • Fix: Cell content is not updated under certain conditions


  • Tested to WordPress 5.9
  • Add: Block supports (link color, text-transform, font-style, font-weight, letter-spacing)
  • Fix: Zero values are not saved correctly in global settings
  • Fix: Changes to global settings are not reflected in iframe editor instances


  • Fix: Table justify icon does not appear
  • Fix: Incorrect indigator direction


  • Enhancement: Support for individual values in cell padding of global settings
  • Fix: Unable to deselect selected cells by clicking with the Ctrl key
  • Fix: Cell width is not set to 100% when ‘Stack on mobile’ is enabled
  • Fix: Accessibility support for controls


  • Add: Option to merge content when merging cells


  • Fix: Global settings options are not saved


  • Fix: Adjust indicator style
  • Fix: Cell Line Height setting is not cleared


  • Add: Cell line-height control


  • Doc: Add translate context


  • Fix: Accessibility support for controls, fix typo


  • Fix: Missing text translation
  • Fix: Button text layout in popover is broken
  • Fix: Text in JavaScript is not translated


  • Fix: typo


  • Fix: deploy action


  • Fix: deploy action


  • Fix: deploy action


  • Fix: deploy action


  • Doc: add LICENSE
  • Clean: add deploy action
  • Clean: refactoring: edit.js to edit.tsx


  • Initial release