Editor Block Outline


This a Gutenberg plugin that adds an outline around each block. Outline settings are based on user meta. Each user can
change the settings according to their needs and it will applied only to their account.

Users can change:

  • When to show outline. On hover or always displayed.
  • Lock outline for a single block.
  • Disable outline completely.
  • Show data (name and class) outside block, inside or floating when hovering over block
  • Change outline color.
  • Change outline style to solid, dashed or dotted line
  • Change padding size
  • Show/hide block name


  • Outline around each block when set to always visible
  • Editor outline settings


November 5, 2021
Absolutely excellent. Very easy to use. Can't believe how little it is used. Ross
September 6, 2021
This makes Gutenberg much more usable!
July 16, 2021
Great work. I've been considering making a similar plugin myself, so I'm glad I found this one before I did. It works well and makes it considerably easier to see where each block is. Especially useful when you have blocks within blocks. i.e. Group -> Columns -> Column -> Paragraph
June 17, 2021
I'm amazed this only shows 500 installations so far. This is a MUST for any site. If this was a stock feature there would probably be a lot more people willing to adopt/accept the new editor. Thanks Kalimah Apps for the excellent plugin!
Read all 14 reviews

Contributors & Developers

“Editor Block Outline” is open source software. The following people have contributed to this plugin.


“Editor Block Outline” has been translated into 8 locales. Thank you to the translators for their contributions.

Translate “Editor Block Outline” into your language.

Interested in development?

Browse the code, check out the SVN repository, or subscribe to the development log by RSS.



  • Added toggle for enabling/disabling outline padding
    Please note that this is a breaking behavioral change. Users who set
    padding previously will need to enable this option for padding to take


  • Fixed block title for cover block


  • Fixed floating box bug
  • Set initial show class name to false


  • Added data position setting (outside, inside or floating)
  • Added show class name option
  • Fixed hover setting for nested blocks
  • Removed twitter admin notice
  • Code formatting and optimization


  • Fixed bugs


  • Added lock outline per single block
  • Added outline padding
  • Fixed drag and drop issue with WP 5.7 where dragging line is not showing
  • Removed outline for add block box
  • New icon and banner design
  • Fixed block name for spacer block


  • Code formatting and optimization


  • Added opacity option


  • First version