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The September 2022 edition of The Month in WordPress is now available. Learn about: ‣ What's coming in WordPress 6.1 ‣ The latest Gutenberg updates ‣ WordPress Translation Day And much more—it's time to catch up on all things #WordPress! 🗞
Share your WordPress meetup feedback! 📢 Did you organize or attend a meetup last year? Are you thinking of attending a meetup soon? Let your voice be heard. Complete this 5-minute survey, and help make an impact on future meetups.
Expect a more refined template experience, consistent design tools across more blocks, and more improvements with WordPress 6.1. Which features have caught your attention in the upcoming release? #WordPress
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Seasons look different all over the world. For some, September means autumn colors and colder days. For others, the month brings spring blooms and warmth. Share your favorite seasonal images on the WP Photo Directory: wordpress.org/photos/. 📸 By Mary Jane Duford #WPPhotos
Wheat field with blue sky during harvest season. Photo contributed by Mary Jane Duford to the WordPress Photo Directory.
Learn something new this week on #WordPress. Explore online workshops to help you learn and refine a wide variety of WordPress skills and strategies. Check out the calendar of free, live, and interactive events, and register today! learn.wordpress.org/online-worksho #LearnWP
Learn how to customize post content layouts --> Watch this new 8-minute video tutorial on how you can modify the way single posts are displayed. Explore two designs and learn how to restructure and nest various types of blocks. learn.wordpress.org/tutorial/custo #LearnWP