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تغريدات WordPress

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Share your WordPress meetup feedback! 📢 Did you organize or attend a meetup last year? Are you thinking of attending a meetup soon? Let your voice be heard. Complete this 5-minute survey, and help make an impact on future meetups.
Expect a more refined template experience, consistent design tools across more blocks, and more improvements with WordPress 6.1. Which features have caught your attention in the upcoming release? #WordPress
الفيديو المُضمن
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Learn something new this week on #WordPress. Explore online workshops to help you learn and refine a wide variety of WordPress skills and strategies. Check out the calendar of free, live, and interactive events, and register today! learn.wordpress.org/online-worksho #LearnWP
Learn how to customize post content layouts --> Watch this new 8-minute video tutorial on how you can modify the way single posts are displayed. Explore two designs and learn how to restructure and nest various types of blocks. learn.wordpress.org/tutorial/custo #LearnWP