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GamiPress – bbPress integration

Version: 1.2.6
Requires: 4.4
Compatible up to: 6.0.2
Rating: 1 stars2 stars3 stars4 stars5 stars

Gamify your bbPress forum thanks to the powerful gamification plugin, GamiPress! This plugin automatically connects GamiPress with bbPress adding new activity events and features. New Events New forum: When a user creates a new forum. New topic: When a user creates a new topic. New topic on a speci…

bbPress Toolkit

Version: 1.0.12
Requires: 4.0
Compatible up to: 4.9.21
Rating: 1 stars2 stars3 stars4 stars5 stars

Swiss knife Toolkit for bbPress. Set global options and style your forums. Swiss knife tweaking and hacking Toolkit for bbPress. Set global options and style your forums. Current features: Mentions (email someone by using the @username) Forum and Topic subscription management for keymasters and mod…

RDFa Breadcrumb

Version: 2.3
Requires: 3.0
Compatible up to: 4.4.28
Rating: 1 stars2 stars3 stars4 stars5 stars

RDFa Breadcrumb provide links back to each previous page the user navigated through to get to the current page or – in hierarchical site structures – the parent pages of the current one. It gives you a new template tag called rdfa_breadcrumb() that you can place anywhere in your template…

Open Social Share

Version: 6.2
Requires: 3.4
Compatible up to: 6.0.2
Rating: 1 stars2 stars3 stars4 stars5 stars

WORDPRESS SOCIAL SHARING PLUGIN Social9 is the leading social growth service provider that helps you drive more traffic and increase engagement by leveraging the power of social media. Read more about us here. 82% of users consider buying or trying products and services base…

Avatar Privacy

Version: 2.6.0
Requires: 5.6
Compatible up to: 5.9.4
Rating: 1 stars2 stars3 stars4 stars5 stars

Avatars from are great, but they come with certain privacy implications. You as site admin may already know this, but your visitors and users probably don’t. Avatar Privacy can help to improve the privacy situation by making some subtle changes to the way avatars are displayed on …

bbPress Login Register Links On Forum Topic Pages

Version: 3.2.1
Requires: 3.0
Compatible up to: 6.0.2
Rating: 1 stars2 stars3 stars4 stars5 stars

Features of bbPress Login Register Links On Forum Topic Pages Add dedicated bbPress only sidebar, when users view your bbPress forums, bbPress pages, you can use dedicated bbPress sidebar to show bbPress only widgets, without writing any codes Add bbPress login link in bbpress forum index pages o…

bbp topic count

Version: 2.8
Requires: 3.0.1
Compatible up to: 5.9.4
Rating: 1 stars2 stars3 stars4 stars5 stars

This plugin for bbpress shows any combination of the total topics, replies and total count under the avatar on each topic/reply view in bbpress, and allows you to label these as you wish eg “Topics Created : 253″ or “Topics – 253″ Additionally 3 shortcodes are included that allow display o…

CBX User Online & Last Login

Version: 1.2.8
Requires: 3.5
Compatible up to: 6.0.0
Rating: 1 stars2 stars3 stars4 stars5 stars

This plugin helps to show online users. Member, guest and bot can be tracked, their counts, most users online etc. This plugin also helps to records any user’s last login time, ip address and device. CBX User Online & Last Login by Codeboxr 📺 Live Demo | 📋 Documentation | 🌟 Upgrade t…

bbPress Voting

Requires: 4.0.0
Compatible up to: 6.0.2
Rating: 1 stars2 stars3 stars4 stars5 stars

This simple yet powerful plugin integrates with the bbPress forum plugin to add a new feature which allows users or visitors to vote up or down on topics and replies. Each topic and reply has a total score with an up arrow and a down arrow. This plugin uses AJAX to save the vote on-the-fly without …

bbPress Moderation

Version: 1.8.3
Requires: 3.3
Compatible up to: 3.6.1
Rating: 1 stars2 stars3 stars4 stars5 stars

To help reduce spam in bbPress forums, this plugin will change the status of new topics and replies to ‘pending’. Any pending topics/replies will be shown as ‘Awaiting Moderation’ until the administrator approves publishes them. Features Blog administrator can be notified of…

Viewing 11 to 20 (201)
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