arXivLabs: An invitation to collaborate
arXivLabs is a framework for enabling the arXiv community to contribute to arXiv and develop tools that can benefit the scientific community. Current projects are featured in our arXivLabs showcase.
arXiv welcomes anyone, from single individuals to large companies, to contribute ideas and share their products and services, as long as they abide by arXiv’s values of openness, community, excellence, and user data privacy.
arXivLabs projects are categorized under the following criteria:
- Community Projects that leverage arXiv services, and have an operational agreement or understanding, but are maintained and deployed fully outside of arXiv. These projects meet minimal technical criteria, and may need funding to offset costs. This category includes research projects, as well as external applications (such as mobile apps or mirror sites) and widgets on external websites.
- Platform Experimental projects maintained by external collaborators and deployed (in whole or part) on arXiv infrastructure. These projects must meet additional technical criteria.
- Core Experimental projects that add a great deal of value to the arXiv platform, and which are deemed feasible to maintain by the core arXiv IT team, may be incorporated as a core feature or service. These projects undergo additional rigorous scrutiny to ensure maintainability, security, and reliability.
arXiv Labs is temporarily on pause while arXiv is focused on stability and moving to the cloud. Please check back in six months. In the meantime, you can learn more about the criteria for arXiv Labs projects.
This pause in Labs effort does not affect access to the arXiv APIs, which are always public and available. Please also note that many projects that use APIs and other methods to access arXiv's metadata, full text, or source files are not arXivLabs projects. Learn more about arXiv API access and data usage here.
Note: Use of the names “arXiv”, “”, “arXiv Labs”, “arXivLabs” and associated logos, web addresses, and colors are only allowed with the explicit written permission from the arXiv management team.