Enabling digital inclusion for the most vulnerable in 2021 12 October 2022 By APCNews

We want people affected by exclusion, discrimination and inequality to be able to meaningfully use and shape the internet and digital technologies to meet their specific needs. Check out our achievements in this area in 2021.

Community connectivity providers can be the missing piece to bridge the digital divide 06 October 2022 By Débora Prado

A new report featuring 11 case studies across 10 countries brings evidence that community-led initiatives are needed to bridge the digital divide. Discover why in this piece about the report’s launch and the inspiring experiences of two community networks, B4RN (UK) and Zenzeleni (South Afr...

Tackling online hate speech in Africa and beyond: “We can't trust Big Tech to abide by its own rules” 05 October 2022 By Fungai Machirori

Online hate speech has become a fixture of our lives, especially across Africa. We talked to experts in our network and beyond about this crisis, its tricky challenges & ways to counter it, including APC’s recent campaign on International Day for Countering Hate Speech.

APC calls for Iran to immediately stop violence against citizens and blocking of internet access during the latest protests


APC calls for Iran to immediately stop violence against citizens and blocking of internet access during the latest protests

The Association for Progressive Communications is outraged by the death in custody of 22-year-old Mahsa Amini in Iran as well as deeply alarmed by the ensuing violent crackdown on protests, violations of women’s rights, and widespread internet shutdowns across the country. 

APC Annual Report 2021

Annual Report

APC Annual Report 2021

Our 2021 Annual Report tells a story made by many stories taking place in the most diverse scenarios but connected through purpose. Here you will find a chronicle of how the APC community lived, worked and thrived through a turbulent but fruitful year.

Financing mechanisms for locally owned internet infrastructure


Financing mechanisms for locally owned internet infrastructure

A growing number of community networks and other community connectivity providers are connecting those who have historically been unserved or underserved by traditional internet service providers. This report analyses the operating models and financing mechanisms that can support their success.

Joint Stakeholder Report Universal Periodic Review 41st Session – India
Joint Stakeholder Report Universal Periodic Review 41st Session – India

This joint stakeholder report focuses on key issues relating to human rights online in India, including internet shutdowns, digital exclusion, freedom of speech and expression online, online harassment and hate speech, privacy, surveillance and data protection.

OEWG: APC emphasises key role played by civil society in cybersecurity capacity building


OEWG: APC emphasises key role played by civil society in cybersecurity capacity building

APC's statement at the OEWG dedicated stakeholder session also notes that it is encouraging to see the inclusion of language connected with narrowing the digital divide and a growing number of states calling for a gender-sensitive approach to international cybersecurity.

OEWG third substantive session: Key messages from the Association for Progressive Communications


OEWG third substantive session: Key messages from the Association for Progressive Communications

In this submission to the third substantive session of the UN Open-Ended Working Group on the security of, and in the use of, information and communications technologies (OEWG), APC addresses some of the recommended next steps outlined in the draft progress report.

OEWG: APC stresses importance of a human rights-based and gender-sensitive approach to cybersecurity


OEWG: APC stresses importance of a human rights-based and gender-sensitive approach to cybersecurity

These APC priorities were reiterated in a statement delivered at the informal dialogue with the Chair of the UN Open-ended Working Group on developments in the field of information and telecommunications in the context of international security (OEWG) 2021-2025.

HRC 50: Civil society presents key takeaways from Human Rights Council

Joint statement

HRC 50: Civil society presents key takeaways from Human Rights Council

 APC and other civil society organisations from around the world share reflections on the key outcomes of the 50th session of the UN Human Rights Council, as well as the missed opportunities to address key issues and situations.

Policy explainers

Inside the Digital Society: Making e-government inclusive 05 October 2022 David Souter

How is e-government progressing after COVID? What should we be looking out to understand and measure?

Iranian women’s fight for right to life and freedom faces surveillance, internet shutdowns, violence and murders 03 October 2022 Hija Kamran for GenderIT.org

In Iran, women are protesting to demand bodily autonomy and their right to live, in the wake of the state-backed murder of a 22-year-old Mahsa Amini by the morality police. The government is responding by killing more women, attacking protestors and censoring the internet to contain the information.

Inside the Digital Society: What do you mean, ‘digital transformation’? 14 September 2022 David Souter

Our columnist reflects on how digitalisation has transformed, or at least changed the parameters, of our lives since the 1950s and where ‘digital transformation’ could head next. 


In this weekly column, longstanding associate of APC David Souter looks at different aspects of the digital society. Issues covered include internet governance and sustainable development, human rights and the environment, policy, practice and the use of ICTs.

How are APC members improving their communities' lives? In this section we're highlighting stories of impact and change by our members, supported by APC sub-granting.

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