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WordPress Solutions


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What sets us apart from others is that we want to offer best-in-class services regardless of the size of the project. We believe in High-quality services, affordable pricing with cutting edge technology solutions.

Our Works

Take a look at the range of the successful design and development projects delivered by us - Browse our Portfolio


Intellipaat as a company has become a pioneer in developing courses in collaboration with IT moguls such as IBM, Microsoft, etc. and rendering 150+ technical training courses, including Hadoop, Big Data, Data Science, Cloud Computing, Salesforce, and more!

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Akhil Time Management

Akhil Time Management

Our Client Mr. Akhil was looking for a website that accurately represented their job. They want a clock-style header menu. They aim to use this website to demonstrate the value of time.

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Happy customers

It has been a great experience working with WPGenius team. Their dedication to getting the work done on time whilst keeping in my mind the quality required has been commendable. The willingness to bring out the perfect result, trying out different ways to get the right solution, open to new ideas, being considerate and happy to help anytime are some of the best qualities I experienced with their team. Thank you for all the efforts and your dedication!

Shyama Warrier

Creative Head & CRM - Cranberry Studio

The guys are skilled at what they do and deliver as promised. Good experience working with this bunch of talent. Flexible, Adaptive, and Abreast of new tech and globally followed standards.

Vibhav Shetye

Project Manager - Clink Communications

Thanks and Congratulations, Team WPGenius for the quality of work and dedication. I am working with Makarand for the last 1 year, he is a very professional and responsible leader. He is driving and executing all the projects very professionally. Once you hand over the project to Makarand, it’s done. He will take care of everything like Requirements, Client communication, delivery, and quality as well. Thanks, Makarand and Team WPGenius. Keep up the good work.

Vikas Sawant

Project Manager - Tekyz, Inc.

Prompt reply to queries helps us to better understand the technicalities and provides us with the best technical support WPGenius solutions is the way to go for a smooth technological transition.

Utkarsh Deshpande

Co-Founder - Fameshutter