A WordPress podcast packed full of things that you either don't want to know or are clever enough to work out that we just made up!

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Make your website voice enabled, with Convoworks - WP Builds Podcast #298

298 – Make your website voice enabled, with Convoworks

So voice enabled home are now a thing. It's pretty likely that if you don't have a voice enabled device now, you will at some point in the near future. You speak, and they respond. It's pretty cool. But you might have noticed that there are limits to what they can do, and there are ways you learn to speak to these devices to get the best out of them. It's a bit like how you use Google. You don't type in ordinary language; you use Google specific language. What if it were possible to have the capabilities that voice enabled devices bring to the internet to a WordPress website? That would be cool, right? It would be, but the downside is that it's really rather hard to make all of this work, and that's where Convoworks steps in. They've got a GUI to make the job of doing all of this as easy as possible. Tihomir Dmitrović is on the podcast today to explain how it works, when you might use it and how it can benefit your website. Check it out.
Dealing with changing staff and new management - WP Builds Podcast #297

297 – Dealing with changing staff and new management

What happens when your client suddenly has new staff members that you need to interact with? It might be a really smooth transition with nothing to worry about, but it might not. Old relationships may need to be rebuilt, and common understandings and goals about the website might need to be reworked. It's even possible that your communications were not written down and you suddenly need to think about the entire project once more with new staff. What if you just don't get along? What can you do then to ensure that you don't lose the client? What can you do to keep things working for you both? We have some ideas for you on the podcast today. Go listen...
Gutenberg, FSE, Block Themes (Variants), Blocks, Rich Tabor on the whole lot - WP Builds Weekly WordPress Podcast #296

296 – Gutenberg, FSE, Block Themes (Variants), Blocks, Rich Tabor on the whole lot

So if you've kept up with the latest developments in WordPress then you'll have heard the words / phrases 'Gutenberg', 'FSE', 'Block Themes', 'Blocks' and a lot more. You'll also likely have heard of our guest on the podcast today, Rich Tabor. He's been in the WordPress space for many years working in the theme space, but now he's shifted over to all the 'new things', and is making waves. He's got some monumental projects on the go (see the links on the WP Builds post for this episode), and is on the podcast today to talk about where WordPress is at right now and what he's hoping for in the future. It's a lovely interview with a very thoughtful guest, and if you're trying out the 'new WordPress things', or are just looking for a reason why you should, then this episode is for you!
Website documentation and support - WP Builds Weekly WordPress Podcast #295

295 – Website documentation and support

Welcome to another in the Business Bootcamp series where we relearn everything we know about building WordPress sites, and running a web design business from start to finish. We are on Season 4 which is a short season looking at training clients. Today we are talking about website documentation and support. When we hand over a website, are we obliged to support it into the future, or can we just hand it over and be done with it? If we are going to support it, is there some standard of documentation we need to provide? Paper based, videos, in-person. I suspect that we've all got different ways of handling this, so check out the podcast to see what we do. BONUS, it's a short episode and you'll be done with it in no time!


Chopped up like you would chop up a carrot, or perhaps a turnip... but not with a knife, because we, erm... chop things up with our podcast. So, WP Builds is like a big choppy, podcasty knife with lovely hexagons.


Click to listen to our most recent WordPress / internet updates!

This Week in WordPress #224 - WP Builds

This Week in WordPress #224

The WordPress news from the last week which commenced Monday 26th September 2022.
This Week in WordPress #223 - WP Builds

This Week in WordPress #223

The WordPress news from the last week which commenced Monday 19th September 2022.
This Week in WordPress #222 - WP Builds

This Week in WordPress #222

The WordPress news from the last week which commenced Monday 12th September 2022.
This Week in WordPress #221 - WP Builds

This Week in WordPress #221

The WordPress news from the last week which commenced Monday 15th August 2022.


Nathan Wrigley


WordPress web site builder.

I run a web agency in the UK called Picture and Word. We work almost exclusively with WordPress, but have been know to use Drupal and Magento in the past.

I cannot spell the words, thepis, rangotls, or dufmertin.

David Waumsley


Lion tamer and liar.

I travel, help people make websites and bang on about Beaver Builder on YouTube. I got a silver badge for swimming aged 11.

The designer in me says there should be more words here.


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