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How Will High Strength CBD Affect Me?


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Now that there’s more potent CBD on the market, many people are asking, “How will high strength CBD affect me?” It’s a reasonable question to ask for new users and especially for CBD users who have been taking a variety of CBD products. How will this new, more potent form of CBD work? How will it make you feel? How will these new products compare to what you’ve been using successfully for some time now? 

So, let’s get to the bottom of these questions and take a look at how these stronger CBD formulas will affect how you feel and function on the day-to-day.

Higher Potency CBD Formulas – What Are They, Really?

Higher potency CBD formulas are the result of decades of scientific research, years in the laboratory improving on extraction and formulation, and a growing understanding of how CBD and other cannabinoids work in the human body. 

Because we know more, we can now do more with what we know. Like zeroing in on the right cannabinoids, perfecting how we utilize them in CBD formulations, and creating more concentrated CBD oils with even more wellness benefits.

These new high potency formulas are exactly that – more potent. More strong. More capable of providing benefits for those who need more from their CBD. More benefits without the need for taking more product. This means the efficacy of CBD oils just got more impressive.

How Does High Potency CBD Make You Feel?

CBD is a miraculous little molecule. And it’s only one type of cannabinoid. CBD oils are made with a variety of cannabinoids and each of them affects how you feel a little differently. Some, like THC, can make you feel drowsy or super chill. CBD can make you feel more clear-minded and calm. And when we make the formulas stronger, the benefits you receive from your regular CBD formulations become a little more pronounced. 

That being said, we can’t compare apples to oranges, so whatever you are taking now, you’d have to take the exact same combination of cannabinoids in the higher potency versions to really compare them. 

Second, CBD and other cannabinoids affect different people in different ways. Whatever benefits you’ve been receiving from using CBD formulas, whether full spectrum CBD with THC or broad spectrum without it, you can expect those benefits to continue with the new, more potent versions. Plus, you may feel even better since the stronger forms are more efficient by quantity comparison.

What Type of CBD Are You Taking?

If you’re taking broad spectrum and you keep going up in dosage or strengths, but still need more CBD benefits, you have a few options:

  • Transition to full spectrum CBD to add more calm and help with sleep.
  • Add in some specialty products made to target certain needs. The gummies are popular options for this. There are also Delta 9 THC products for the most calming type of cannabinoids, another popular option.
  • Or…transition to higher potency CBD if you want more of the same benefits, but with a little more oomph.

Are You Taking CBD Regularly?

Another important aspect of how any type of CBD product makes you feel is how you use them. If you aren’t taking them regularly – one dose each morning and one dose each night – then you may be experiencing lulls in your internal CBD levels during the times you aren’t taking it properly. 

You may not need more, you may just need to use the product correctly. Stay diligent with taking your CBD twice a day. Do this for a while, and then you’ll be better able to assess whether you need more out of your CBD. Then, if your CBD benefits need a little boost, the higher potency versions of CBD could be the perfect option for you.

Higher Potency CBD Is Just a Stronger Option for You

Simply put, higher potency means that you get more out of the CBD you are taking. This means you may feel better, feel more calm, or sleep better. The real trick is to listen well to your body and mind and decide what it is that you need. When you try any kind of CBD, check in with yourself over the course of that first month, and then you can choose whether a stronger strength is just what you need. 

CBD products are all about providing a variety of wellness options, since there’s no one-size-fits-all kind of CBD product. Cannabinoids do affect different people a little differently. 

The work of creating that specialized CBD regimen that makes you feel your absolute best – well, that’s up to you. 

We make a wide range of products and share all of the information with you so you can use them in the ways that create that calm wellness life you’re after. And high potency CBD is a superior strength CBD option for those who need it.


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