Этот плагин не тестировался с последними 3 основными выпусками WordPress. Скорее всего, он уже не поддерживается и может быть несовместим с текущими версиями WordPress.



The KaTeX WordPress plugin enables you to use the fastest TeX math typesetting engine on your WordPress website. You can include TeX inside a [katex]...[/katex] shortcode or in a Gutenberg block. Either way the math will render beautifully on your website. When using Gutenberg blocks, the equations will render immediately inside your editor!

Equations in blocks or using the [katex display=true]...[/katex] shortcode will render on page in display mode—with bigger symbols—centered on their own line.

For compatability with other LaTeX plugins, this plugin optionally supports [latex]...[/latex] shortcodes.

You can choose to serve KaTeX yourself or through the third-party jsDelivr CDN.

Plugin Website


  • Preview your TeX right inside the editor.
  • TeX is rendered inside your visitors' browsers.


Этот плагин предоставляет 1 блок.

  • KaTeX


  1. Upload the katex folder to your /wp-content/plugins/ directory or automatically download and install the plugin through WordPress’s plugin manager;
  2. Activate the plugin in WordPress; and
  3. Используйте шорткод [latex] или Gutenberg-блоки KaTeX в своих записях и страницах.

Часто задаваемые вопросы

Могу ли я перейти с плагина LaTeX X на этот плагин?

Вы можете заменить любой другой плагин LaTeX, используя шорткоды [latex], не внося изменений в существующие записи. Другие плагины могут обрабатывать latex в режиме отображения, отличным от [latex display=true]…[/latex], и в этом случае старые записи, к сожалению, будут изменены.


This is a great plugin for everyone who wants to use the power of LaTeX or KaTeX to display properly typeset math on their site. My favourite aspect of this plugin is how the Ka block displays a preview of the formatted text. While you can insert KaTeX statements using the shortcode block, if you do that, then the equations will be left justified, and there is little to do about it. Using the KaTeX block, the calculations will be properly centred between the margins set by your theme. Great job by the developer! I hope that the plugin will continue to be maintained so that we don't lose compatibility with the latest versions of WordPress, as there are very few options otherwise.
26.09.2021 1 ответ
Veny nice plugin. Able to use very easily and without any issues. A cakewalk if you know latex syntax. Rendering is very fast too. There is lot of accounting related math content on my site (eduxir.com) which requires to use math equations. Was able to achieve very easily. One request to the author is that the font and related files are downloaded even on the pages that do not use katex. We need to modify the plugin to disable this option. If a configuration option that could be provided which would retain the configuration even after updating the file, would be of great help.
I am writing a lot of equations these days and I am in love with this plugin.
The rendering for displaying equations is very good. Better than other plugins. The support is responsive and provides clear and working solutions.
Посмотреть все 13 отзывов

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«KaTeX» — проект с открытым исходным кодом. В развитие плагина внесли свой вклад следующие участники:


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Журнал изменений


  • More robustly render shortcodes (even more robustly than 2.2.2).


  • More robustly render shortcodes.
  • Fix undefined variable notice.


  • Trigger rendering of KaTeX in more cases when the DOM is mutated (in 2.2.0, accidentally only a limited set of cases was checked).


  • Trigger rendering of KaTeX when the DOM is mutated by inserting a .katex-eq node. This allows rendering KaTeX markup that is not present when the page is loaded.
  • Upgrade KaTeX resources to v0.13.13.


  • Always load JavaScript and CSS assets by default. An option is introduced to switch to the old behavior of loading only when KaTeX is used on the page.
  • Make it easier for other code to manually trigger rendering of KaTeX.
  • Upgrade KaTeX resources to v0.13.0.


  • Remove <br> tags added by WordPress to shortcode output.


  • Prevent WordPress from texturizing KaTeX (prior to this change, WordPress would sometimes change e.g. apostrophes to quotation marks).
  • Fix issue where custom class names on the KaTeX block sometimes broke editor rendering.
  • Add some keywords to allow searching for the KaTeX block in the editor’s block list.
  • Update KaTeX resources to v0.12.0.


  • Fix block editor variable scoping.


  • Upgrade KaTeX resources to v0.11.1.


  • Support adding CSS classes to KaTeX Gutenberg Blocks to help with styling. Backwards compatibility note: KaTeX Gutenberg Blocks are now rendered wrapped in a div element on which classes wp-block-katex-display-block and katex-eq are set. You can add more classes to this div through WordPress’s post editor. Previously, KaTeX Gutenberg Blocks were rendered wrapped in an unclassed span. KaTeX shortcodes are still wrapped inside a span with only the class katex-eq set. If you depend on old behavior for styling, you might need to update your styling rules.


  • Fix 1.0.4 release issue: KaTeX resources were not committed correctly.


  • Upgrade KaTeX resources to v0.10.2.


  • Fix warnings related to plugin options that occurred on PHP 5.
  • Clean up the plugin’s options on plugin deletion.


  • Upgrade KaTeX resources to v0.10.1.


  • Fix issue where KaTeX resources would not be loaded on the admin pages.


  • Initial release.