In 2022 we addressed technological sustainability, advocated in the DMA and AI act in the EU, defended Router Freedom – and more.

To reach younger people, we organised a coding competition for teenagers and published a children's book on .

Devices are general purpose computers. Yet manufacturers, vendors, and internet platforms exercise monopolistic control over equipment and restrict . We respond: users should have access to alternative services and content in their devices

Do you want to be our next system administrator assistant? You will support our technical infrastructure by working with our system administrators. Part time job in a collaborative learning environment. Apply by October 16th.

The is next weekend! We give a talk on EU ecodesign demands and on Device Neutrality. Also an author reading of Ada & Zangemann. Our Berlin group will have a booth. Drop by to discuss and sustainability! Get tickets

Also Free Software “developed or supplied outside the course of a commercial activity should not be covered by this Regulation.” We will continue to analyse the regulation and follow the debate to safeguard Free Software.

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We are pleased that is being recognised as an enabler for innovation and research in the recently released Act.

Do you want to be our next system administrator assistant? You will support our technical infrastructure by working with our system administrators. Part time job in a collaborative learning environment. Apply by October 16th.

SFP episode with Hugo Roy: New Software Freedom Podcast episode full of insights on the progress of in France and Hugo’s life at the FSFE. Enjoy! Régalez-vous ! @hugo

Happening now: Professor Michele Calà presents 'Public Money? Public Code' in Caltanissetta, Italy.

I am so thankful it all worked out: My English book "Ada & Zangemann - A Tale of Software, Skateboards, and Raspberry Ice Cream" can be pre-ordered at with the coupon code "Hacking4Freedom".

@fsfe @ber @johns @mainec @kattascha @fsf

En este boletín nos adentramos en el desarrollo del software del móvil Librem 5 y de , el popular entorno gráfico para los móviles Linux. ¡Y vuelven los stands informativos! Estamos contentos de debatir de nuevo en persona sobre el Software Libre.

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In deze aflevering kijken we naar de software-ontwikkeling van de Librem 5 telefoon en van , de populaire grafische omgeving voor Linux-telefoons. En de kraampjes zijn terug! We zijn blij om Vrije Software weer persoonlijk te bespreken .

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In this issue we look into the software development of Librem 5 phone and of , the popular graphical environment for Linux phones. And booths are back! We are happy to discuss in person again.

A broad alliance of 13 organisations from the fields of environmental protection, digital policy, development cooperation and academia publishes a catalog of demands to show political solutions towards a more sustainable digital society. This as a prelude to the upcoming conference for digitization and sustainability "Bits & Bäume".

The FSFE is co-organising , the conference about digital sustainability on 1./2. October in Berlin. More than 200 workshops and talks in 17 tracks are waiting to be explored and a lot of .

get your ticket before it's too late:

State Secretary at the German Federal Ministry of Environment Dr. Christiane Rohleder in our booth at the Open House event. We demonstrated old phones that can still operate with Free Software. Our booth was always busy, thanks to the FSFE local group Berlin. More than five volunteers were on the spot throughout the weekend. We presented upcycled Android phones showing that can help overcome software obsolescence.


Why is software created using taxpayers’ money not released as ? Go to the SharePic-generator, and add your support message with . If it is public money, it should be public code as well!

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