Lung Cancer Symptoms & Diagnosis

Most commonly, doctors suspect somebody might have lung cancer when they see something on an imaging test such as a CT scan that looks like it could be a tumor. Lung cancer doesn't always cause symptoms in the early stages. Sometimes patients don't have any symptoms at all. Diagnosing lung cancer is a process that involves not just detecting lung cancer but understanding how much it has spread and testing for biomarkers—information that can help determine your best treatment plan.

Lung Cancer Symptoms

Lung cancer symptoms are often dismissed as other issues like allergies or a cold. If you feel shortness of breath, have a cough that won’t go away, cough up blood, or experience weight loss and fatigue, talk to your doctor.
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How Is Lung Cancer Diagnosed?

Learn about the different tests and procedures that can help your doctor diagnose lung cancer.
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Lung Cancer Screening

Lung cancer screening can help find cancer before a person has symptoms. Early detection is important because lung cancer is easier to treat in its early stages before it has spread. Visit Saved By The Scan to:

Lung Cancer Staging

Staging determines if and how much the lung cancer has spread. Your treatment plan and the general outlook for your recovery depend on the stage of your lung cancer.
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Biomarker Testing

Tested your tumor for certain DNA changes and proteins—referred to as molecular, biomarker or genomic testing—can help determine treatment options, like targeted therapy or immunotherapy.
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Page last updated: October 7, 2021

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