Research Studies

2020 Mom’s mission is to close gaps in maternal mental health, including gaps in treatment access.

To this end, we support promotion of research studies and clinical trials that would provide access to additional treatments at scale, through a sponsorship framework. If you wish to learn more, please contact

2020 Mom does not endorse specific drug treatments or provide medical advice. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical or mental health condition.

Mothers who are overwhelmed by feelings sadness and hopelessness may qualify for a new drug trial.

Mothers feeling overwhelmed by sadness, anxiety and/or hopelessness who could be suffering from severe postpartum depression (PPD) should know about a current research study.

Sage Therapeutics’ SKYLARK STUDY is evaluating an oral medicine in women with severe PPD. Researchers are looking for new moms between 18 and 45 years old whose depression symptoms started no earlier than their third trimester and who live near one of the study sites. Pregnant and postpartum moms are welcome to learn more.

Those who enroll in the study will take medicine at home every night for 14 days and come to the study site eight times to have their symptoms monitored. Those who enroll will be compensated for their time and travel and may be able to stay on any current depression medication being taken.

Learn more about the study here: