Dries Buytaert


This page shows my most recent photos, ordered from newest to oldest. This photo stream is also available as an RSS feed. I have over 10,000 photos on my site. For older photos, check out my photo albums.

Front door
We have a front door!
First windows
The first windows were installed.
Hand oma
Oma's hand.
Industrial sewing machine, surrounded by goose down and fabrics.
Visiting the workshop of Collett & Victor, a maker of 100% Belgian bespoke sofas and seats. Love the craftmanschip.
Garage basement
The basement under what will become a stand-alone garage.
Old bricks
Old bricks sun bathing in the afternoon light.
Facade being repointed
The brick is being repointed. The old mortar is already grooved out, and will soon be replaced with new mortar.
Living room subfloor
The sub-floor that sits on top of the floor heating is in. In Belgium, this is called the "chape".
Afternoon sun on patio
What will be the outdoor patio and kitchen area. It gets some nice afternoon sun.
Drupal Core Committers having a beer together
Some Drupal Core Committers having a beer together! I stepped away for a few minutes, and Alex Pott captured this photo using my camera.
Taavi Kotka sitting at a table in a meeting room
Meeting with Taavi Kotka, Estonia's first CIO.
Dries sitting in a chair answering questions from the audience.
Answering questions from the audience after my keynote at DrupalCon Prague. Photo by Paul Johnson.
Dries delivering his keynote at DrupalCon Prague. The slide in the background reads 'Good software cares about end users'.
Delivering my keynote at DrupalCon Prague. Photo by Paul Johnson.
To celebrate Drupal's 21st birthday, Acquia hired Alexandra Cárdenas for the DrupalCon Prague welcome reception. Alexandra is at the forefront of the Algorave scene. She makes music by live coding. You could see her music algorithms on the big monitor. Pretty amazing to watch!
Drupal converse shoes
Acquia handed out Drupal-branded Converse shoes. They were in high-demand!
A bird's eye view of Prague and the Vltava River
A view of Prague and the Vltava River. Photo taken from Stalin Plaza.
Prague escalator
The escalators in Prague's metro stations are fast-moving.
Arrowslit at bouillon castle
An arrowslit in the castle wall of Bouillon Castle in Belgium. The castle is more than a 1,000 years old. Archers launched arrows through it to defend their territory.
The boys
Castle walls rising above a river with a medieval bridge and green banks..
Bouillon Castle is believed to date back from before 980. The views from the top are amazing! In my imagination, farmers lived and worked in the fields along the river banks.
Camping in the rain
This photo sums up our camping weekend pretty well: hanging out under the van's awning to avoid getting rained on.
Making a fire
Axl helping to make a fire. Unfortunately, we could not make s'mores as it started raining again shortly after. No one wants soggy s'mores ...
Vanessa laughing
I love the afternoon sun in September.
Connected vans
We put two vans next to each other, and tried to connect their awnings. It rained 70% of the time so it allowed us to hang out and stay dry.
The word 'Maka' spelled with large logs, standing next to a river.
The famous sign of Camping Maka in Bertrix. The sun after the rain makes everything a bit more dreamy.
Vanessa enjoying a beer
We had to wait for rain to pass, so we enjoyed a few beers at Camping Maka's bar. La Chouffe for me, Karmeliet for Vanessa.
Guido, the owner of Camping Maka, behind the bar
Camping Maka has a small bar with La Chouffe on tap, and apparently, a white fox on the ceiling ...
Playing board games in tent
Eight people playing a board game in a tent. Small but cozy.
Semois river
The Semois river in the Belgian Ardennes.