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Online CEU Opportunities

Access Details

Access Begins:
October 10 @ 12:00 am
Access End:
October 21 @ 11:59 pm

Online options for members who cannot attend the Niagara Falls conference!

  • Register to get access to 6 FREE online sessions
  • Pay to watch 2 sessions recorded from the in-person conference

PLEASE NOTE: This is not a (virtual) event and has no social or networking components.  Online sessions will be accessible to online registrants from October 10 – 21, 2022.  You do not need to register for the online sessions if you are attending the Niagara Falls on-location, in-person conference.  All online sessions are included with your in-person registration for our Niagara Falls conference.

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Online Session Information

Since we have 6 Online Sessions, it’s too much information to jampack on this page!  You can find that information here:

General Session Information

Identifying and Leveraging Resilience, Support Strategies, Intervention, and Culturally Informed Practice

Racial disparities in mental, physical, maternal, and infant health have been widely discussed of late. Even when socio-economic factors are controlled for, many studies indicate that disparities remain significant within the Black community. The impacts of race-related stressors and transgenerational trauma have been linked to the persistence of negative social and health outcomes. Less discussed are the numerous protective and resilience factors, inherent within the Black community, extending from the ancestors to the current day influencers, that foster mental wellness and positive health outcomes.

This presentation will offer strength-based individual and community strategies to mitigate the impacts of transgenerational trauma and race-related stressors. Recommendations for establishing and maintaining mind, body, spirit wellbeing will be highlighted.

At the end of this session, participants will be able to:

  • Define transgenerational trauma.
  • Explain transgenerational resilience.
  • Identify 3 personal strategies to mitigate the impacts of transgenerational trauma and race-related stressors.

Beyond Baby Brain: Embracing Neurodivergence in your Practice

Neurodivergence is one of many hidden disabilities. It is often overlooked or poorly understood. Spectrum disorders present a unique set of challenges to accessing healthcare, especially lactation care. These challenges worsen with stress, hormonal changes, and lack of sleep—things new parents often experience all at once, particularly when struggling with lactation and infant feeding difficulty. With the information and strategies outlined in this talk, the lactation care provider can develop skills and use creative problem solving to ensure their systems of care are accessible and enthusiastically inclusive of neurodivergent families.

At the end of this lecture, participants will be able to:

  • Define different disorders contained within the spectrum of neurodiversity.
  • Identify the rates of prevalence in adult populations (20-35y).
  • Examine their own systems and identify “pain points” in accessibility for neurodivergent families.
  • Unpack internalized biases about behaviors common in neurodivergent populations.
  • Explain strategies for advocacy in cases of medical discrimination.

You must be an active CAPPA Member to gain access.

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