Freedom From Smoking® has helped hundreds of thousands of smokers quit since its introduction. In addition to the below success stories, the American Lung Association is sharing inspiring stories from individuals who have been able to end their addiction to tobacco and stop smoking through the EACH Breath Blog. Get motivated through their successes, and let us know when you’re ready share your own!

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Barbara "I tried to stop smoking 100 times. I'd quit for a month then start again. I'd quit for two months, then start again. I was a pack-and-a-half per day smoker. Then my son got married and had a son, and I didn't want my grandson to see this. Also, my health was going downhill and I got really scared."
Steven, 58 "The program was there when I was ready not to smoke. I had something to reach out for. Not to take away from the program's content or research, but I just wanted to give [smoking] up. I went to the program every week. I enjoyed that there were people to talk and to listen to. I even went to follow-up meetings and tried to give back [by helping] at the hospital."
Glady "They gave me a quit date. I did everything they told me to do and I have never smoked again. They gave me the tools that showed me when I smoked and why I was smoking. It was like a miracle, truly like a miracle. I just kept going - and I'm still going. [Freedom From Smoking] saved my life. I am eternally grateful to the American Lung Association. They just work miracles, they really do. Kept me alive this many years. It was highly unlikely I was going to survive the winter and here I am, 10 years later. And I am so grateful that I met my two great-granddaughters—they wouldn't have met me if I hadn't had found this program."
Cathy, 56 "What helped me quit was knowing that the minute I craved for a cigarette, I was prepared. Plus knowing how much I smoked by doing Pack Tracks was a pain in the butt, excuse me, but it really helped! The other big thing was the group support. I never felt alone when I was quitting. I tried everything to quit before—I wish I had gone through [Freedom From Smoking] sooner."

Page last updated: July 6, 2022

Asthma Educator Institute
, | Jul 11, 2022
Freedom From Smoking Clinic
, | Aug 30, 2022