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    Healthy and Delicious Spiced Carrot Cake Recipe

    Mayo Clinic recipes and strategies for healthier living. Join Jennifer A. Welper, Wellness Executive Chef, as she creates a crowd-pleasing spiced carrot cake dessert that is wonderfully tasty, healthy, and easy to make. Shopping List: Fat-free plain Greek yogurt, Carrots Check For: Sugar, Canola oil, Eggs, All-purpose flour, Baking powder,…
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    What Causes Ringing in the Ears?

    Tinnitus is when you experience ringing or other noises in one or both of your ears. The noise you hear when you have tinnitus isn’t caused by an external sound, and other people usually can’t hear it. Tinnitus is a common problem. It affects about 15% to 20% of people…
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    The Easy & Healthy Recipe for a Southwest Taco Bowl

    Mayo Clinic recipes and strategies for healthier living. Join Jennifer A. Welper, Wellness Executive Chef, as she creates an easy and deliciously healthy Southwest taco salad chock full of vegetables, lean ground turkey, and flavorful spices to create a mouthwatering yet simple meal perfect for the whole family. Shopping List:…
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    What’s causing you to feel unsteady or off-balance?

    Balance problems can make you feel dizzy, as if the room is spinning, unsteady, or lightheaded. These feelings can happen whether you’re lying down, sitting, or standing. Many body systems — including your muscles, bones, joints, eyes, the balance organ in the inner ear, nerves, heart and blood vessels —…
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    Five things you didn’t know that will save your life

    What are the most important things you can do for your health that could someday save your life? Join Stephen Kopecky, M.D., Preventative Cardiologist at @MayoClinic, as he goes over five important ways you can improve your health in ways that could potentially save your life one day. These methods…
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    What’s your most important morning ritual?

    How do Mayo Clinic experts start their day? Discover their secrets for energy-building routines that carry them long past morning.
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    Habits: why are they so hard to change?

    Habits. We all have them, good and bad. And as you likely know, they’re hard to change! Ever wonder why? *Why do our brains create habits? *Can habits be healthy? *Can you break a bad habit? Join Stephen Kopecky, M.D., Preventive Cardiologist at @MayoClinic, as he delves into why we…
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    Proper screening is still the best way to prevent colorectal cancer

    Jessica Saenz
    Colorectal cancer, also known as bowel cancer, is not unique in the way it forms or spreads. And as the fourth most common type of cancer in the U.S., it isn’t rare. But among cancer types, colorectal cancer is unique in one important way: With regular screening, it can usually…
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    Can you reverse coronary artery disease?

    Coronary artery disease is a common health issue among aging people, but did you know that it is, to an extent, reversible? Using methods like: *Not smoking *Controlling cholesterol *Losing weight *Exercising *Controlling blood pressure *Controlling diabetes *Following a healthy diet *Managing stress…
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    How do you eat healthy at a restaurant?

    Eating healthy at a restaurant can be difficult. The USDA states that only 1 out of 500 meals eaten at a restaurant can be classified as healthy! To determine this, they take into account each dish’s amount of: * Calories * Fat * Sugar * Salt So how do you…
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    Dig into the benefits of gardening

    Growing your own food in a garden isn’t a new idea. It was a critical way for ancient people to have access to reliable, nutritious foods. Today there are still many benefits of gardening. The necessity of vegetable gardens has varied through time. Gardening has gained popularity recently, even with…
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    What is the one thing you can do to improve your health?

    Is there any one single thing you can do that will improve your overall health? * Can a specific supplement make me healthy? * Will one single exercise reverse the aging process? * Is there one superfood that will balance a sedentary lifestyle? Join Stephen Kopecky,…
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    For this Mayo Clinic expert, pancreatic cancer is personal

    Dr. Mark Truty encourages people to ask a lot of questions after a pancreatic cancer diagnosis. Watch for the personal reasons he promotes hope when he meets people with a recent diagnosis.
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    What is the one key to a successful diet?

    What’s the key to a successful diet? A little perseverance can go a long way. A diet is like a marriage: * Find one you love: you know you can stick with it for the rest of your life. * It’s healthy and stable: your diet is…
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    Small steps and changes to live a healthier life

    What are some small steps and small changes you can do to live a healthier life? It’s the little things that add up. Both in a good way and in a bad way. Try to do more of the little steps that are good, and less of the little…
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    Mayo Clinic Q&A podcast: Understanding heart testing and evaluation

    We all associate the heart with life, and it can be stressful to think there might be a problem with your heart. Heart tests — such as an EKG, an echocardiogram, a coronary angiogram and a stress test — are important ways to evaluate the health of your heart if…
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    Can you “catch up” on your sleep debt?

    Is it possible to “catch up” on sleep you’ve lost? Unfortunately, it’s not that easy. Join Stephen Kopecky, M.D., Preventative Cardiologist at Mayo Clinic, as he busts myths surrounding sleep debt and provides information surrounding the importance of sleep. Relevant reading Live Younger Longer Shop…
    what is the best sleeping position?
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    Mayo Clinic Minute: What’s the best sleeping position?

    Most people spend a third of their lives either asleep or resting, according to the Sleep Foundation. During sleep, the body recharges and repairs itself. And a good night’s sleep often can be determined by what position you are lying in bed. Back-sleepers beware. “I know many people find it to…
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    Mayo Clinic Q&A: Don’t ignore the warning signs of stroke

    A stroke is a medical emergency, and prompt treatment is crucial. Taking fast action can reduce brain damage and other complications. When a stroke occurs, blood supply to part of the brain is interrupted. Strokes can happen at any age. It’s vital to know the risk factors and to recognize…
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    How do I reverse aging?

    While there isn’t a way to reverse the aging process, we CAN tell you about ways to slow aging and live a healthier life. Join Stephen Kopecky, M.D., Preventative Cardiologist at Mayo Clinic, as he provides tips to achieve a healthier and longer life. Relevant reading Live Younger…
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    Are you getting too much protein?

    Judging by all the protein bars, shakes and powders out there, you could be led to believe that you need a protein supplement. These products claim to curb appetite, help with weight loss and build muscle. But what’s the real story? Contrary to all the hype that everyone needs more…
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    Mayo Clinic Q&A: Immunotherapy for multiple myeloma

    Immunotherapy uses the body’s immune system to fight cancer, and it’s now a standard treatment option for people with multiple myeloma. Multiple myeloma is a cancer that forms in the type of white blood cell called a plasma cell. In this Mayo Clinic Q&A podcast, Dr. Yi Lin, a Mayo…
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    Lasting physical side effects of cancer

    Cancer and cancer treatments can change how you look and feel about your body. Active treatment is a physically intense journey that can alter your body permanently. You may have scars, changes to your hair and skin, or even lose a body part. Your weight and strength can fluctuate substantially.
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    How much stuff is too much stuff?

    Everyone likes to acquire and hold on to things for a variety of reasons. This item is unique. It reminds me of an important event in my life. It’s a great deal. I could have a use for it one day. Most people have a balance among what they obtain,…
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    Think you’ve tried every migraine medication? Think again.

    Migraine is an all-too-common and potentially disabling disorder. Migraine attacks can cause severe throbbing head pain or pulsing sensations, as well as nausea, vomiting, and sensitivity to light and sound. Some treatments stop symptoms of a migraine attack (acute, or as-needed treatment) and other long-term treatments decrease the frequency and…
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    Why some patients need a second heart surgery

    People who’ve had an aortic dissection, which is emergency, lifesaving surgery, may need additional surgeries later to repair the aorta. Also, people who’ve had heart valve surgery and received replacement tissue valves will need the valves replaced after 10 years. In addition, adults with congenital heart disease often have surgery…
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    Good bacteria for your gut

    Amanda Gingrasso, D.N.P.,
    Mayo Clinic Press Editors
    The lining of your digestive tract — like every surface of your body — is covered in microorganisms, mostly bacteria. This microecosystem, called a microbiome, plays a large role in your health. Your mood and behavior also may be impacted by the microorganisms living in your microbiome. You may be…
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    Olfactory retraining after COVID-19

    The loss or change in a person’s sense of taste and smell is something that can happen to people who have had COVID-19.  It’s a common symptom with other viruses, including influenza, but it’s happening at a much larger magnitude due to the scale of the COVID-19 pandemic. Current estimates indicate that…
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    Not all low back pain is the same

    Kendall Snyder, M.D.,
    Mayo Clinic Press Editors
    Your back is made up of 30 bones stacked in a column surrounded by muscles and ligaments. It allows you to stand, walk, bend, sit and twist. It connects other parts of your skeleton and supports your spinal cord and nerve roots. Nearly every movement you make involves your back…
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    Recognizing and responding to delirium

    Heidi Lindroth, Ph.D.,
    Margaret Paulson, D.O.,
    Mayo Clinic Press Editors
    Delirium is a type of confusion that occurs suddenly and without warning. When people have delirium, they may have trouble focusing or paying attention. They also may feel groggy and drowsy, or act or say things out of character. Delirium can be a warning signal that someone is not feeling…
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    Preparing for surgery?

    Liz Cumberland, C.N.P.,
    Mayo Clinic Press Editors
    It’s official. You need surgery. You may have many thoughts and questions running through your head, whether it’s a minor, same-day procedure or a complex operation that requires you to stay in the hospital overnight. You may even feel anxious, confused or scared. While these emotions are normal and…
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    The best diet to help prevent kidney stones

    It’s estimated that 1 in 10 people will get a kidney stone in his or her lifetime. Kidney stones are not only painful, but they can lead to serious complications that may require hospitalization and even surgery. The good news is kidney stones are preventable, and prevention can be as simple as…
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    Relief for dry eyes

    Cynthia Weiss,
    Mayo Clinic Press Editors
    Since the beginning of winter, my eyes feel dry and scratchy. I can no longer wear contacts because my eyes burn and sting, and are watery. How can my eyes be dry and watery at the same time, and what can be done to fix this? It’s common to have…
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    Your heart can break from stress

    Niti Aggarwal, M.D.,
    Nkechinyere Ijioma, M.B.B.S.,
    Mayo Clinic Press Editors
    Emotional stress — which can be brought on by grief, anger, loss or death of a loved one, domestic abuse, heated arguments, physical illness, or surgery — can be so bad that it feels like your heart is breaking. And in a way, it is. Broken heart syndrome is also…
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    Integrative oncology uses lifestyle medicine approach

    Mayo Clinic Press Editors
    Integrative medicine uses an approach to health care that includes practices not traditionally part of conventional medicine, such as herbs, acupuncture, massage, yoga and meditation. Integrative oncology incorporates these therapies into conventional cancer care. Integrative oncology helps people with cancer feel better by reducing the fatigue, nausea, pain and anxiety and other…
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    Cancer myths vs. facts

    Laurel Kelly,
    Mayo Clinic Press Editors
    In many cases, what is known about cancer prevention is still evolving. However, it’s well-accepted that your lifestyle affects your chances of developing cancer. From your diet and exercise routines to protecting yourself from the sun and avoiding risky behaviors, a few simple lifestyle changes can make a difference in your risk of developing…
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    Mayo Clinic Minute: The relationship between food and disease

    DeeDee Stiepan,
    Mayo Clinic Press Editors
    The phrase “you are what you eat” is commonly used in conversations about health and the connection between food and the body. Eating an unhealthy diet can have serious consequences and can increase someone’s risk of dying from heart disease, stroke and Type 2 diabetes. In this Mayo Clinic Minute, Dr. Stephen Kopecky, a preventive…
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    Seizure forecasting device with epilepsy: anticipate seizures, take action

    Mayo Clinic Press Editors
    Despite treatments that include medications, surgery and neurostimulation devices, many people with epilepsy continue to have seizures. And the uncertainty of when a seizure could occur affects their quality of life. But what if these people could anticipate a seizure and take action? A recent Mayo Clinic study tested a technology to do…
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    Constipation in women, explained

    Bob Nellis,
    Mayo Clinic Press Editors
    Chronic constipation is a reality for many people ― more often women than men. Fortunately, these symptoms generally respond to dietary fiber supplements or over-the-counter laxatives. But when these symptoms do not respond, tests can determine the cause. Sometimes contents move slowly through the colon, or patients have a rectal…
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    Memory lapses: Normal aging or something more?

    Mayo Clinic Press Editors
    Have you ever walked into a room and forgot why you entered? Lost the name of an acquaintance you met a few years ago? Forgot the name of a tool in your shop? Memory lapses and modest decline in thinking skills are common as you age. There’s a difference, however,…
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    Mayo Clinic Q&A: Living as a prostate cancer survivor

    Mayo Clinic Press Editors
    Thanks to early detection and treatment, most people with prostate cancer survive, and many may live for decades, according to Matthew Tollefson, M.D., a Mayo Clinic urologist. But many who survive prostate cancer may have concerns about life post-cancer. Side effects of treatment might include problems with urinary control and…
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    Mayo Clinic Q&A: Breaking down the difference between eczema and psoriasis

    Mayo Clinic Press Editors
    Eczema and psoriasis are both long-term skin conditions that don’t have a cure. In eczema, the immune system comes to the skin and releases chemical inflammatory markers that cause the skin to become red, weepy and itchy, according to Dawn Davis, M.D., a Mayo Clinic dermatologist. In psoriasis, the immune…
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    Fibromyalgia: changing the pain experience

    Mayo Clinic Press Editors
    Science is just beginning to understand this long-term, widespread form of chronic pain and how nerves can be “re-mapped” to make pain signals grow quitter, while allowing more pleasant signals to come through. Fibromyalgia is a term many people know, but it’s much less common for people to truly understand…
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    Advanced care at home

    January’s Mayo Clinic Health Letter included an interview with Michael Maniaci, M.D., physician leader of Advanced Care at Home at Mayo Clinic. He explained that some people in the hospital can be treated in their own homes, as long as they don’t require surgery, invasive procedures or advanced imaging. Receiving…
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    Mayo Clinic Q&A: Small steps to increase longevity

    Mayo Clinic Press Editors
    The average American goes on a couple of diets a year that last only a few months at most, according to Dr. Stephen Kopecky, a Mayo Clinic preventive cardiologist. But rather than trying to overhaul your lifestyle all at once, Dr. Kopecky recommends focusing on small steps that add up…
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    Understanding heart tests

    DeeDee Stiepan,
    Mayo Clinic Press Editors
    Every year, World Heart Day is celebrated on Sept. 29 to increase awareness of cardiovascular diseases and how to control them. Having a healthy heart is always the goal, but sometimes you need some help to make sure everything is working just right. And that’s where heart tests come in.