Worship With Us

Service times, directions, and what to expect


If it's your first time coming to our church or a church, we know that first time can be intimidating. We want to help make your first experience at FPC a great one. Check out a few of our online services on the Weekly Message link to get a feel for what you might experience in person.

In addition, our online community of worshippers is just as important to us! If the pandemic has taught us anything, it is that God loves us no matter where we are on a Sunday morning (or at any other time or place!).

Check out the ways to join us for worship, below.

Ways to worship

First Presbyterian Church of Napa meets in person every weekend for worship and offers several ways to join in.

FPC In-Person: Sundays at 10:00am

Location & Directions

  • FPC LiveStream: Sundays at 10:00am:

Watch the LiveStream of our live service on YouTube at 10am PT, or at your convenience! Check out our First Pres Napa YouTube channel for more worship resources.

  • FPC Worship on Zoom, Sundays at 9:45am

Looking for a more interactive worship experience online? Join us on Zoom! We greet one another for around 10 minutes then watch the LiveStream for the worship service. Then, you have the option of joining a breakout room to discuss the take home message. After around 5-10 minutes we gather back together in the main room, share our joys and concerns and finish up with praying for one another. It's awesome!

  • Meeting ID: 292 569 252
  • Passcode: 965149

FPC Napa is located in the heart of downtown Napa, California. Our address is 1333 Third Street Napa, CA 94559.

What can I expect on a Sunday morning?

In total, a service lasts about 60 minutes in length. Music is a big part of our services and a combination of traditional and contemporary music is presented by our worship team and choir. We love it all! Mixed in with the music are prayers, a message from the pastor (usually around 15-20 minutes), and on the first Sunday of the month, a time to share bread and juice as we remember Jesus breaking bread with his disciples in the Last Supper. If you come in person we have individually packaged bread and juice that we hand out as you enter the sanctuary, and online it's BYO! Engage with worship however you feel most comfortable.

What is there for my kids on Sunday mornings?

We believe that kids should have a blast at church every single week - and in our Kids Ministry, we make this a priority!

  • Kids' Church meets in the Chapel. If you haven't already registered in the Church Center App (look for First Presbyterian Church of Napa), we can register you when you come on Sunday morning. If your kids would prefer to hang out with you in the sanctuary, that's cool too! We provide take-and-keep worship activity packets for kids to use during the worship service and take home with you to keep.
  • We provide an open nursery on Sunday mornings. Parents are welcome to use the nursery whenever needed during the worship service.