RadioGroup Edit

This feature is still experimental. “Experimental” means this is an early implementation subject to drastic and breaking changes.

Use a RadioGroup component when you want users to select one option from a small set of options.

RadioGroup component

Table of contents

  1. Design guidelines
  2. Development guidelines
  3. Related components

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Design guidelines

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Selected action

Only one option in a radio group can be selected and active at a time. Selecting one option deselects any other.

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Best practices

Radio groups should:

  • Be clearly and accurately labeled.
  • Clearly communicate that clicking or tapping will trigger an action.
  • Use established colors appropriately. For example, only use red buttons for actions that are difficult or impossible to undo.
  • Have consistent locations in the interface.
  • Have a default option already selected.

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Active and available radio groups

A radio group’s state makes it clear which option is active. Hover and focus states express the available selection options for buttons in a button group.

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Disabled radio groups

Radio groups that cannot be selected can either be given a disabled state, or be hidden.

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Development guidelines

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import {
    __experimentalRadio as Radio,
    __experimentalRadioGroup as RadioGroup,
} from '@wordpress/components';
import { useState } from '@wordpress/element';

const MyControlledRadioRadioGroup = () => {
    const [ checked, setChecked ] = useState( '25' );
    return (
        <RadioGroup label="Width" onChange={ setChecked } checked={ checked }>
            <Radio value="25">25%</Radio>
            <Radio value="50">50%</Radio>
            <Radio value="75">75%</Radio>
            <Radio value="100">100%</Radio>

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When using the RadioGroup component as an uncontrolled component, the default value can be set with the defaultChecked prop.

import {
    __experimentalRadio as Radio,
    __experimentalRadioGroup as RadioGroup,
} from '@wordpress/components';
import { useState } from '@wordpress/element';

const MyUncontrolledRadioRadioGroup = () => {
    return (
        <RadioGroup label="Width" defaultChecked="25">
            <Radio value="25">25%</Radio>
            <Radio value="50">50%</Radio>
            <Radio value="75">75%</Radio>
            <Radio value="100">100%</Radio>

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  • For simple buttons that are related, use a ButtonGroup component.
  • For traditional radio options, use a RadioControl component.