

Are you looking for modern, robust, and sophisticated social network software? BuddyPress is a suite of components that are common to a typical social network, and allows for great add-on features through WordPress’s extensive plugin system.

Aimed at site builders & developers, BuddyPress is focused on ease of integration, ease of use, and extensibility. It is deliberately powerful yet unbelievably simple social network software, built by contributors to WordPress.

Members can register on your site to create user profiles, have private conversations, make social connections, create and interact in groups, and much more. Truly a social network in a box, BuddyPress helps you build a home for your company, school, sports team, or other niche community.

Built with developers in mind

BuddyPress helps site builders & developers add community features to their websites. It comes with a robust theme compatibility API that does its best to make every BuddyPress content page look and feel right with just about any WordPress theme. You will likely need to adjust some styling on your own to make everything look pristine.

BuddyPress themes are just WordPress themes with additional templates, and with a little work, you could easily create your own, too! A handful of BuddyPress-specific themes are readily available for download from WordPress.org, and lots more are available from third-party theme authors.

BuddyPress also comes with built-in support for Akismet and bbPress, two very popular and very powerful WordPress plugins. If you’re using either, visit their settings pages and ensure everything is configured to your liking.

The BuddyPress ecosystem

WordPress.org is home to some amazing extensions for BuddyPress, including:

Search WordPress.org for “BuddyPress” to find them all!

Join our community

If you’re interested in contributing to BuddyPress, we’d love to have you. Head over to the BuddyPress Documentation site to find out how you can pitch in.

BuddyPress is available in many languages thanks to the volunteer efforts of individuals all around the world. Check out our translations page on the BuddyPress Documentation site for more details. If you are a polyglot, please consider helping translate BuddyPress into your language.

Growing the BuddyPress community means better software for everyone!


  • Activity Streams - Global, personal, and group activity streams with threaded commenting, direct posting, favoriting and @mentions. All with full RSS feeds and email notification support.
  • Extended Profiles - Fully editable profile fields allow you to define the fields users can fill in to describe themselves. Tailor profile fields to suit your audience.
  • User Settings - Give your users complete control over profile and notification settings. Settings are fully integrated into your theme, and can be disabled by the administrator.
  • Extensible Groups - Powerful public, private or hidden groups allow your users to break the discussion down into specific topics. Extend groups with your own custom features using the group extension API.
  • Friend Connections - Let your users make connections so they can track the activity of others, or filter to show only those users they care about the most.
  • Private Messaging - Private messaging will allow your users to talk to each other directly and in private. Not just limited to one-on-one discussions, your users can send messages to multiple recipients.
  • Site Tracking - Track posts and comments in the activity stream, and allow your users to add their own blogs using WordPress' Multisite feature.
  • Notifications - Keep your members up-to-date with relevant activity via toolbar and email notifications.


This plugin provides 1 block.

  • BuddyPress



To run BuddyPress, we recommend your host supports:

  • PHP version 7.2 or greater.
  • MySQL version 5.6 or greater, or, MariaDB version 10.0 or greater.
  • HTTPS support.

Automatic installation

Automatic installation is the easiest option as WordPress handles everything itself. To do an automatic install of BuddyPress, log in to your WordPress dashboard, navigate to the Plugins menu and click Add New.

In the search field type “BuddyPress” and click Search Plugins. Once you’ve found it, you can view details about the latest release, such as community reviews, ratings, and description. Install BuddyPress by simply pressing “Install Now”.

Once activated:

  1. Visit ‘Settings > BuddyPress > Components’ and adjust the active components to match your community. (You can always toggle these later.)
  2. Visit ‘Settings > BuddyPress > Pages’ and setup your directories and special pages. We create a few automatically, but suggest you customize these to fit the flow and verbiage of your site.
  3. Visit ‘Settings > BuddyPress > Settings’ and take a moment to match BuddyPress’s settings to your expectations. We pick the most common configuration by default, but every community is different.


Can I use my existing WordPress theme?

Yes! BuddyPress works out-of-the-box with nearly every WordPress theme.

Will this work on WordPress multisite?

Yes! If your WordPress installation has multisite enabled, BuddyPress will support the global tracking of blogs, posts, comments, and even custom post types with a little bit of custom code.

Furthermore, BuddyPress can be activated and operate in just about any scope you need for it to:

  • Activate at the site level to only load BuddyPress on that site.
  • Activate at the network level for full integration with all sites in your network. (This is the most common multisite installation type.)
  • Enable multiblog mode to allow your BuddyPress content to be displayed on any site in your WordPress Multisite network, using the same central data.
  • Extend BuddyPress with a third-party multi-network plugin to allow each site or network to have an isolated and dedicated community, all from the same WordPress installation.

Read custom BuddyPress activations for more information.

Where can I get support?

Our community provides free support at https://buddypress.org/support/.

Where can I find documentation?

Our documentation site can be found at https://codex.buddypress.org/.

Where can I report a bug?

Report bugs, suggest ideas, and participate in development at https://buddypress.trac.wordpress.org.

Where can I get the bleeding edge version of BuddyPress?

Check out the development trunk of BuddyPress from Subversion at https://buddypress.svn.wordpress.org/trunk/, or clone from Git at git://buddypress.git.wordpress.org/.

Who builds BuddyPress?

BuddyPress is free software, built by an international community of volunteers. Some contributors to BuddyPress are employed by companies that use BuddyPress, while others are consultants who offer BuddyPress-related services for hire. No one is paid by the BuddyPress project for his or her contributions.

If you would like to provide monetary support to BuddyPress, please consider a donation to the WordPress Foundation, or ask your favorite contributor how they prefer to have their efforts rewarded.

Discussion Forums

Try bbPress. It integrates with BuddyPress Groups, Profiles, and Notifications. Each group on your site can choose to have its own forum, and each user’s topics, replies, favorites, and subscriptions appear in their profiles.


September 15, 2022
I just spent the past six months trying to create a new website using BuddyBoss, and have given up. I had high hopes for BuddyBoss, but the product doesn’t live up to the hype. The one claim they make that they live up to is support, which is good. If you want to build a site that’s a straightforward clone of Facebook, with no unique functions or features, BuddyBoss might work well for you. But if your members need functions beyond ordinary social media, you’re probably better off with a plugin like Youzify that allows you to add these social media features to a regular WordPress site that allows you to do anything. Here are just a few of the major problems we encountered: 1) They have a "BuddyBoss Integrations" webpage with a long list of plugins that supposedly are compatible with BuddyBoss, but I think they just mean your computer won’t blow up if you combine them. For instance, Elementor is on that list, which was a major plus since we use it heavily. But it turns out that none of the core BuddyBoss pages (like Groups, Forums, Members, etc.) are editable in Elementor: you can only create new pages in Elementor using their Sample page. 2) Don't believe their claim of requiring fewer plugins: you’ll need tons of them. It’s true that you don’t need BuddyPress, but that’s about it for cutting down on plugins. 3) Many of our support requests got the reply that we would need to hire a professional developer to get what we want. Sometimes it seemed like sending business to developers was the reason they created BuddyBoss. 4) The turning point came when we realized that we were spending half our development time trying to work around BuddyBoss limitations. We bought it to make our lives easier, not harder. We were far beyond the 14-day money back guarantee. But, since we never used BuddyBoss for even one minute on a live site, I was hoping for at least a partial refund, since it turned out to be useless to us. (There’s no way you can really discover that in just 14 days.) No such luck: $228 and six months of work wasted. I worry about the future of the BuddyBoss company. They regularly have lifetime license offers that they push really hard. They are sacrificing future revenues for a cash infusion now, which makes me wonder whether they have staffed-up too fast and created too much overhead.
July 31, 2022
First off I am a programmer and web developer. I thought I would try out buddypress with wordpress because I use wordpress for my blog. I am running buddypress locally on my pc with vagrant/virtualbox ... Buddypress itself works fine. I was really excited at first. I thought Oh wow this is cool, I can use this. I was playing around and I went to create a post and noticed there was no way to add any sort of media or emoji's etc. It seems like things are missing all over. So I got to reading the Buddypress doc, then I got to googling. It turns out that in order to allow users to add media you need a plugin. rtMedia is what came up. Ok I'll add that. Try it out. Images upload everything else fails. Come to find out you need the transcoder for that. OK I think. I add that. WELLLL... Now you need to pay $9 a month. And if you want the pretty options of rtMedia you need to pay $499 a year. Ok what about reporting and mediating? More plugins. More money. Want to let users edit their posts??? YEAH ANOTHER PLUGIN and More money$$$ Want to let users share ??? yeah you got it, another plugin. This is as bad as the micro-transactions in games. Basically you will be plugin shopping just to create the basic feeling of a social platform. Being able to report content is very important. I mean it seems like everything is a damned plugin and who knows if all of these plugins will work together or with my theme or blah blah blah. I didn't go much further. Who knows how many more plugins I would need to get an actual usable social platform that someone would use up and running. There are many other options out there that work great, look great and cost less. Media is one of the most important parts of a social platform, without that it is nothing but a boring giant comment website.
June 1, 2022
It's a great addition to any website that focuses on community. Because it is entirely FSE compatible, you will be able to develop a community website using a theme that is based on FSE.
Read all 357 reviews

Contributors & Developers

“BuddyPress” has been translated into 45 locales. Thank you to the translators for their contributions.

Translate “BuddyPress” into your language.

Interested in development?

Browse the code, check out the SVN repository, or subscribe to the development log by RSS.



See: https://codex.buddypress.org/releases/version-10-4-0/


See: https://codex.buddypress.org/releases/version-10-3-0/


See: https://codex.buddypress.org/releases/version-10-2-0/


See: https://codex.buddypress.org/releases/version-10-1-0/


See: https://codex.buddypress.org/releases/version-10-0-0/


See: https://codex.buddypress.org/releases/version-9-2-0/


See: https://codex.buddypress.org/releases/version-9-1-1/


See: https://codex.buddypress.org/releases/version-9-0-0/


See: https://codex.buddypress.org/releases/version-8-0-0/


See: https://codex.buddypress.org/releases/version-7-3-0/


See: https://codex.buddypress.org/releases/version-7-2-1/


See: https://codex.buddypress.org/releases/version-7-2-0/


See: https://codex.buddypress.org/releases/version-7-1-0/


See: https://codex.buddypress.org/releases/version-7-0-0/


See: https://codex.buddypress.org/releases/version-6-4-0/


See: https://codex.buddypress.org/releases/version-6-3-0/


See: https://codex.buddypress.org/releases/version-6-2-0/


See: https://codex.buddypress.org/releases/version-6-1-0/


See: https://codex.buddypress.org/releases/version-6-0-0/


See: https://codex.buddypress.org/releases/version-5-2-0/


See: https://codex.buddypress.org/releases/version-5-1-2/


See: https://codex.buddypress.org/releases/version-5-1-1/


See: https://codex.buddypress.org/releases/version-5-1-0/


See: https://codex.buddypress.org/releases/version-5-0-0/