BP Dev-Chat Summary : November 3, 2021.

10.0.0 Progress

#8451 Extending no content activities with images and call to actions

Preview of a no content activity
Preview of a richer “no content” activity about a group who has just changed its Group profile photo.

@vapvarun will soon share a patch about it on the ticket’s page. He decided to take the base64 encoded road to store previous profile photo/cover image inside an Activity meta.

@im4th & @dcavins suggested to include a way to avoid such activity types to be generated too often when a user changes these images multiple times in a short amount of time.

Writing the above lines, I believe the last activity should overwrite the previous ones. A 1 hour delay was suggested during the dev-chat.

#8582 Add site membership requests

@dcavins updated the patch attached to the ticket to remove all references to data stored inside the Users table. He also added a way to preview all signup/membership request information using a modal window.

A modal window to preview signup/membership request information

The modal window choice was debated with @im4th & @johnjamesjacoby. First concern is a11y: we need to check keyboard navigation to make sure everything’s fine with it. Second concern is the clumsiness of it into the WP Administration (old JS libraries, Ajax, etc..). @dcavins thought about an alternative way to reach the same result (be able to preview information) using a dynamic row like what’s included into the « inline edit » feature of the WP List Table class. @im4th believes it’s a nice idea and could be even more interesting if information could be edited from there. We might need to customize the feature for our need which can be too long for the remaining time we have until first 10.0.0 beta. @dcavins will give the modal window another thoughts before deciding whether to keep it or not.

Please help us progress about the site membership requests feature testing the last patch attached to this ticket: #8582.

#8588 use the “site-health” look & feel for BP Admin tabs

Preview of the 10.0.0 BP Settings Admin screens
Next BP Admin Settings/Tools screens look & feel!

@im4th asked for some feedbacks about it. @dcavins thinks it should be committed. @espellcaste thinks this is the kind of change regular BP users will enjoy. @im4th also shared a preview of the new BP Rewrites admin screen using these revamped Admin tabs. This improvement has since been committed, a developer note will soon be published to explain the changes introduced about adding custom tabs in 10.0.0.

Other interesting updates

10.0.0 schedule

  • 10.0.0-beta 1: ~ november 20, 2021,
  • 10.0.0 stable: ~ december 24, 2021 🎄

Next Dev-Chat

It will happen on November 17 at 19:30 UTC in #BuddyPress. We’ll be 3 days away from first beta release 😅. If you have specific points you want to discuss about during this next meeting, please share them into the comments area of this post.

#10-0-0, #dev-chat, #summary