Call for A/V Team Crew

WordCamp Asia is happening in 2023!
How would you like to contribute to WordCamp Asia 2023 with your photography, videography, interview and editing skills?

We are very excited to announce that we are making a call for all levels of the Audio-Visual Crew (Photographers, Videographers, and Interviewers). This role is for you if you like capturing using your cameras and bringing an artistic perspective to the event.

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Sponsor Update

Sponsor Update: Closing date, selection, and more

Hello Sponsors,

We’d like to thank you all for your interest in supporting WordCamp Asia! 

Because of this overwhelming support shown with only just a month since posting the call for sponsors, we already find ourselves in a position where there are now too many sponsors for too few sponsorship spots.

This is still a growing region – in terms of WordPress market share, especially at the enterprise level. We would like to see as much diversity as possible, especially with the sponsorship that comes with booth space. 

We would also particularly want to make sure that local and regional (Asia) organizations have the chance to also pick up spots alongside global companies.

As such, we find ourselves left in a position to have to introduce a selection priority.

Continue reading “Sponsor Update: Closing date, selection, and more”