Inclusion & Diversity

How we come
together is
how we change
the world.

How we come together is how we change the world.

We’re continuing to build a culture where everybody belongs. That’s what sparks our innovation. And our progress toward a more inclusive workforce and a better world.

We’re stronger than ever. With more work to do.

Leadership matters.
For this generation and the next.

Priya pays it forward
with mentorship.

Quique puts inclusive
practices to work.

Progress takes listening.
And action.

to challenge systemic

Kayode broadens how inequality is seen
around the globe.

Wendy connects through Indigenous storytelling.

is the core of our culture.

Hiring practices with shared goals in mind.

Dave brings teamwork to
building inclusive teams.

Yuli leads by inviting
people in.

to pay equity around the globe.

Support for new career paths. And career changes.

Olive reminds us of
power in a name.

Rose champions
conversations about

Apple Store
is where creativity and community come together.

everyone in mind.

Tu makes Apple Watch
for limb difference.

We’re moving forward, together.

We have more than 165,000 talented employees across the world, and many find fulfillment at Apple for many years. We’re making progress in increasing representation, and currently, 50 percent of our workforce in the U.S. is made up of people from underrepresented communities. Because even a 1 percent improvement impacts a substantial number of people, increasing overall representation takes time.

More Inclusive Leadership

Compared to the previous year, open leadership roles filled by women globally increased by 10 percentage points overall, and by 8 percentage points in R&D. And in the U.S., open leadership roles filled by people from underrepresented communities increased by 16 percentage points overall, and by 9 percentage points in R&D.

  • 47%Open leadership roles filled by women globally
  • 34%Open R&D leadership roles filled by women globally
  • 59%Open leadership roles filled by people from URCs in the U.S.
  • 38%Open R&D leadership roles filled by people from URCs in the U.S.

Leadership data measured between January 2021 and December 2021.

Global Female Representation

U.S. Underrepresented Community Representation

Progress in Retail

  • 58%Open Retail leadership roles globally filled by women since January 2021
  • 67%Increase in the number of female employees globally since 2014
  • 76%Open Retail leadership roles in the U.S. filled by people from URCs since January 2021
  • 47%Increase in the number of employees from URCs in the U.S. since 2014

Continuing to Increase Black
and Hispanic/Latinx Team Members

Over the past year, we hired more Black and Hispanic/Latinx team members in the U.S. than ever before. Additionally, in the open positions we filled during this time period, representation of these communities was the highest ever in Corporate and Retail roles filled in the U.S.

  • 13%Open U.S. leadership
    roles filled by Black
  • 12%Open U.S. leadership
    roles filled by Hispanic/
    Latinx candidates
  • 23%Open U.S. Retail
    leadership roles filled
    by Black candidates
  • 18%Open U.S. Retail
    leadership roles filled 
    Hispanic/Latinx candidates

Data measured between January 2021
and December 2021.

Apple Workforce

Global Gender pie chart


U.S. Race and Ethnicity bar graph


1. Leadership roles include managers at all levels of our company.

2. Underrepresented communities (URCs): groups whose representation in tech has been historically low — Female, Black, Hispanic/Latinx, Multiracial, and Indigenous peoples.

3. Tech roles are based on Federal Employer Information Report EEO-1 skill designations. At Apple, this includes all technical roles across the company, such as engineering roles and Apple Store Geniuses.

Data supplied by the People team at Apple. Totals may not add up to 100% due to rounding.

To align with U.S. government reporting requirements, data on this website uses the traditional gender categories of male and female. Apple deeply respects that gender is not binary.

Though we do not use the Federal Employer Information Report EEO-1 to measure progress, our most recent filing is publicly available.

quote by

Barbara Whye, Vice President

Inclusion & Diversity

“The journey to creating a more inclusive workforce and better world begins with a commitment to a clear vision and accountability. At Apple, we take this responsibility seriously, and we are continuing to make meaningful strides toward creating a more inclusive and representative company.”

More on inclusion and diversity at Apple.