

Fathers' Mental Health Day is an annual event dedicated to highlighting the unique issues that dads these days face as they move through the fatherhood journey.

Inscrit en juin 2017


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  1. a retweeté
    18 juin 2019
    En réponse à et

    Thanks Rebecca, Andy - Dads In Mind B&NES is making contact with midwives, so hopefully you’ll meet him soon!

  2. 18 juin 2019
  3. 18 juin 2019

    Here's a great blog from our friends in Australia, shared by . It features a familiar story from David Edwards (an Australian perinatal mental health advocate)

  4. 18 juin 2019
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  6. 18 juin 2019

    Yesterday we celebrated We're grateful to co-founders for making all this possible in the first place. Thanks to for support in USA, Australia and UK. Raising awareness fathers' globally

  7. 18 juin 2019
  8. a retweeté
    17 juin 2019

    Great blog for from Centre for Perinatal Psychology, Australia, featuring David Edwards. Thanks to for sharing

  9. a retweeté
    17 juin 2019
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  11. a retweeté
    17 juin 2019
  12. a retweeté
    17 juin 2019
  13. a retweeté
    17 juin 2019

    Today is International Father's Mental Health Day! PSI is a huge supporter of IFMHD, an annual global event first launched in 2016 by which gives voice to issues unique to men as they transition to fatherhood!

  14. a retweeté
    17 juin 2019

    It’s International Fathers’ Mental Health Day 2019. There are lots of tweets and blogs being posted. In we have a new PhD “What does an effective intervention for paternal postnatal depression look like within a contemporary and culturally diverse society”

  15. a retweeté
    17 juin 2019

    Outstanding write up from .. love the gathering day this is getting & reading stories of recovery is amazing for the

  16. a retweeté
    17 juin 2019

    Jeszemma from the Fatherhood Institute talking about how changing HV invitation letters to include ‘Fathers’ increased attendance of fathers from 18-65%

  17. a retweeté
    17 juin 2019

    Taking questions in this afternoons policy workshop. Led by and Some fantastic knowledge sharing between early years and mental health practitioners

  18. a retweeté
    17 juin 2019

    SMG's very own, Dr. Levine was interviewed for an article with entitled "Postpartum Depression Strikes Men, Too - It Happened to Me" and it's International Fathers Mental Health Day!

  19. a retweeté
    17 juin 2019

    It's been a cracking day for - and still plenty more to come. So far, we have hit over 6 million Twitter impressions!

    , , et 5 autres
  20. a retweeté
    17 juin 2019

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