
Geek 2 English Podcast

Tech Concepts explained in Plain English


Caching in

Let’s talk caching, shall we? In this episode, I’ll explain what caching is, when you should use it, and what are the pitfalls you need to look out for. Of course, I’ll also suggest that if you aren’t comfortable getting your hands dirty, that you bring on a developer you trust to help you.


Recent Podcast

Web Storage Wars

Where should you store files on the web is a question almost as old as the web itself. Ok, so the obvious answer is on the filesystem of your webserver. On the surface that makes sense, unless you have a busy website with multiple web servers (web heads) and each of them have


YAGNI: You and Your User’s Data

Collecting user data and tracking users across the web is a hot topic. For some, it’s nice to have, for others, it’s their entire business model. Let’s talk about what we collect, what we do with it, and the principle of YAGNI. 🔗 Show Links: SiteGround  


Do I Need a Maintenance Contract for My Website?

This is a question every successful site owner asks themselves at some point. Do I need a maintenance contract? I mean do I really REALLY need a maintenance contract? Let’s dive into that question because it’s a little more complex than you might think. 🔗 Show Links: SiteGround  


The 2020 Grab Bag Episode

Over the past year, I’ve been collecting questions that have been asked of me at webinars but I’ve not been able to answer because of time. In this episode of “The Geek 2 English Podcast”, I answer 10 of those questions. (Well, and one bonus question.) Give it a listen. Then join us


Your Site Security Checklist

Security is every site owners #2 job, right behind actually selling a product. But security is such a nebulous term. it means different things to different people. In this episode, I break it down for you. I give you a checklist of things to make sure you have done, and are doing, to


How Many Plugins Is Too Many?

What’s that plugin do? If you can’t look at your list of plugins and answer this question, then this episode is for you. We discuss how plugins affect your site performance, what you can do to make sure your site is running at optimal speed, and we answer the question every WordPress site


Do I REALLY need to hire a developer?

It’s the question every budding e-commerce site owner and entrepreneur has to ask themselves. As soon as an idea begins to form in their head, they start seeing pieces they aren’t sure how to build. So they have to do some soul searching and ask themselves, do they need a developer? Join host


Routine Website Maintenance and Why It’s Important

Is routine maintenance on your website really worth it? I mean…really? Join host Cal Evans as he walks you through the different parts of website maintenance. He’ll show you why a small investment every month in time can save you huge down the road. He’ll also explain why selecting the right hosting partner


Secret SEO Trick: Be Relevant

There’s a secret that SEO consultant’s don’t want you to know. There is only one way to consistently get search engines to display your content. In this episode, we discuss that secret and how you as a site owner can exploit it for your own benefit. 🔗 Show Links: Answer the Public SiteGround


Preparing Your Site for Black Friday: How Early Is Too Early?

Host Cal Evans is joined by guests Bob (@bobwp) Dunn, TJ (@ecommerceaholic) Gamble, and Phillip (@philwinkle) Jackson for this special edition of The Geek 2 English Podcast. Listen as the experts talk about what store owners need to be thinking about, worrying about, and most importantly, focusing on, to get their websites ready

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