If you create high-quality email content as a business, independent writer, or thought-leader, you’ve probably considered charging readers for access to all or part of your content.
Make it happen today with WooCommerce.
Manage your website, blog, customers, transactions, and email content all in one place. All the tools that you need live comfortably within WordPress and your WooCommerce store.
Third-party subscription tools often charge a percentage of your total revenue, excluding the transaction costs from payment service providers. With WooCommerce, you can increase your profit as you scale.
WooCommerce gives you powerful eCommerce functionality right out of the box, with the freedom to customize and extend as your business grows. Want to sell physical products, downloads, or content memberships? No problem.
WordPress.com Business Plan | $25 per month ($300 annually) |
WooCommerce | FREE |
WooCommerce Subscriptions | $16 per month ($199 annually) |
MailPoet | FREE (up to 1000 subscribers) |
WooCommerce Payments | 2.9% + $0.30 per transaction (U.S credit cards) |
At an assumed cost of $5 per subscription for 25 Subscribers paying on US credit cards, you can expect:
• Receiving $125 per month in revenue.
• Paying $64 per month in costs (for the tools listed above, plus transaction fees).
At 500 subscribers, your revenue totals $2,500 per month at a cost of $265 per month.