Pela Seri

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Procey Wikimediya Weqfi dı plan kerdıs, analiz, koordinasyon u pele kerdıs heta umışina hemın sazbiyayıse cı na site dı beno. Şıma Xeyr ameyi Meta-Viki.

Wiki ye bini Wikimedia Outreach, Meta-Viki peşti dı profesyonel proceyi. Weqıf u proceya heta mınaqeşa Liste di e-posta ya (sıfte dı zi wikimedia-l u ilan kerdış heta maila rıstişi WikimediaAnnounce' a), Libera'dı Rayda IRC ra u wedey Wikimediyay binitiyay miyan dı aseni.

Se beno

Tebaxe 2022

OOjs UI icon articleCheck-ltr-progressive.svg August 23 – September 6: 2022 Wikimedia Foundation Board of Trustees election: Voting period opens! Verify your eligibility and vote now.
Wikimedia-logo.svg August 11 – August 14: Wikimania! takes place around the world. Talks and sessions are available for viewing online.
OOjs UI icon speechBubbles-ltr-progressive.svg July 22 – August 22: Wikimedia Foundation Legal department call for feedback on the Brand Stewardship Report content outline.
OOjs UI icon speechBubbles-ltr-progressive.svg August 18: Conversation with Maggie Dennis on Community Resilience & Sustainability at 13:00 UTC

Temuze 2022

OOjs UI icon articleCheck-ltr-progressive.svg July 25 – August 3: 2022 Wikimedia Foundation Board of Trustees election: Endorse statements for the Election Compass with top 15 selected.
OOjs UI icon articleCheck-ltr-progressive.svg July 25 – July 26: 2022 Wikimedia Foundation Board of Trustees election: Endorse questions for the candidates with top six selected.
OOjs UI icon speechBubbles-ltr-progressive.svg July 26: Open meeting with the Web team about the new interface (12:00 UTC and 19:00 UTC).
Wikimedia-logo.svg July 14: Conversation with Trustees hosted by the Wikimedia Foundation Community Affairs Committee
Wikimedia-logo.svg July 8: Wikimedia Foundation Legal Department Office Hour – TVEC Update (Session 1) (Session 2)
Wikimedia-logo.svg July 2 – July 3: Strategic Wikimedia Affiliates Network (SWAN) meeting

Cemaat u İrtibat
Wikimediya Weqfi, Meta-Viki u Procey bıray
Wikimedia Weqfi, Servere Wikimedia, Procey Wikimedia pero, MediaWiki'fı; namey erda, logoy u ticari marqey ra biyayıştı zew organizasyono. Meta-Viki zi, cay koordinasyone procano.
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