The world’s leading open source
data management system

Powering open data at:

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CKAN for Government

CKAN is used by national and regional government organisations throughout the European Union, the Americas, Asia and Oceania to power a variety of official and community data portals.


CKAN for Enterprise

CKAN has been adopted by enterprise organisations in sectors such as resources, energy, pharmaceuticals and finance to publish and manage internal data assets.


Speak with us

Our CKAN stewards help organisations of all sizes around the globe
learn more about implementing CKAN open data portals.
The best way to get in touch is via the form below

Powered by CKAN

A showcase of government and enterprise open data portals that use CKAN as their data management system of choice. See all showcase sites.


Government of Canada

Tens of thousands of datasets making Canada's governmental data more accessible to everyone.


Singapore Government

The Singapore Government uses CKAN as an open data portal for economic, education, environment, finance, and health data.


Australian Government

The Australian Government uses CKAN to make available public data from over 800 different organisations.

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