Draggable Edit

Draggable is a Component that provides a way to set up a cross-browser (including IE) customisable drag image and the transfer data for the drag event. It decouples the drag handle and the element to drag: use it by wrapping the component that will become the drag handle and providing the DOM ID of the element to drag.

Note that the drag handle needs to declare the draggable="true" property and bind the Draggables onDraggableStart and onDraggableEnd event handlers to its own onDragStart and onDragEnd respectively. Draggable takes care of the logic to setup the drag image and the transfer data, but is not concerned with creating an actual DOM element that is draggable.


The component accepts the following props:

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The HTML id of the element to clone on drag

  • Type: string
  • Required: Yes

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Arbitrary data object attached to the drag and drop event.

  • Type: Object
  • Required: Yes

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A function called when dragging starts. This callback receives the event object from the dragstart event as its first parameter.

  • Type: Function
  • Required: No
  • Default: noop

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A function called when the element being dragged is dragged over a valid drop target. This callback receives the event object from the dragover event as its first parameter.

  • Type: Function
  • Required: No
  • Default: noop

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A function called when dragging ends. This callback receives the event object from the dragend event as its first parameter.

  • Type: Function
  • Required: No
  • Default: noop

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import { Draggable, Panel, PanelBody } from '@wordpress/components';
import { Icon, more } from '@wordpress/icons';

const MyDraggable = () => (
    <div id="draggable-panel">
        <Panel header="Draggable panel">
                <Draggable elementId="draggable-panel" transferData={ {} }>
                    { ( { onDraggableStart, onDraggableEnd } ) => (
                            onDragStart={ onDraggableStart }
                            onDragEnd={ onDraggableEnd }
                            <Icon icon={ more } />
                    ) }

In case you want to call your own dragstart / dragend event handlers as well, you can pass them to Draggable and it’ll take care of calling them after their own:

import { Draggable, Panel, PanelBody } from '@wordpress/components';
import { Icon, more } from '@wordpress/icons';

const MyDraggable = ( { onDragStart, onDragEnd } ) => (
    <div id="draggable-panel">
        <Panel header="Draggable panel">
                    transferData={ {} }
                    onDragStart={ onDragStart }
                    onDragEnd={ onDragEnd }
                    { ( { onDraggableStart, onDraggableEnd } ) => (
                            onDragStart={ onDraggableStart }
                            onDragEnd={ onDraggableEnd }
                            <Icon icon={ more } />
                    ) }