BorderControl Edit

This feature is still experimental. “Experimental” means this is an early implementation subject to drastic and breaking changes.

This component provides control over a border’s color, style, and width.

Development guidelines

The BorderControl brings together internal sub-components which allow users to
set the various properties of a border. The first sub-component, a
BorderDropdown contains options representing border color and style. The
border width is controlled via a UnitControl and an optional RangeControl.

Border radius is not covered by this control as it may be desired separate to
color, style, and width. For example, the border radius may be absorbed under
a “shape” abstraction.

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import { __experimentalBorderControl as BorderControl } from '@wordpress/components';
import { __ } from '@wordpress/i18n';

const colors = [
    { name: 'Blue 20', color: '#72aee6' },
    // ...

const MyBorderControl = () => {
    const [ border, setBorder ] = useState();
    const onChange = ( newBorder ) => setBorder( newBorder );

    return (
            colors={ colors }
            label={ __( 'Border' ) }
            onChange={ onChange }
            value={ border }

If you’re using this component outside the editor, you can
ensure Tooltip positioning
for the BorderControl‘s color and style options, by rendering your
BorderControl with a Popover.Slot further up the element tree and within a
SlotFillProvider overall.

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colors: Array

An array of color definitions. This may also be a multi-dimensional array where
colors are organized by multiple origins.

Each color may be an object containing a name and color value.

  • Required: No

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disableCustomColors: boolean

This toggles the ability to choose custom colors.

  • Required: No

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enableAlpha: boolean

This controls whether the alpha channel will be offered when selecting
custom colors.

  • Required: No

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enableStyle: boolean

This controls whether to include border style options within the
BorderDropdown sub-component.

  • Required: No
  • Default: true

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hideLabelFromVision: boolean

Provides control over whether the label will only be visible to screen readers.

  • Required: No

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isCompact: boolean

This flags the BorderControl to render with a more compact appearance. It
restricts the width of the control and prevents it from expanding to take up
additional space.

  • Required: No

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label: string

If provided, a label will be generated using this as the content.

Whether it is visible only to screen readers is controlled via

  • Required: No

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onChange: ( value?: Object ) => void

A callback function invoked when the border value is changed via an interaction
that selects or clears, border color, style, or width.

Note: the value may be undefined if a user clears all border properties.

  • Required: Yes

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shouldSanitizeBorder: boolean

If opted into, sanitizing the border means that if no width or color have been
selected, the border style is also cleared and undefined is returned as the
new border value.

  • Required: No
  • Default: true

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showDropdownHeader: boolean

Whether or not to render a header for the border color and style picker
dropdown. The header includes a label for the color picker and a close button.

  • Required: No

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value: Object

An object representing a border or undefined. Used to set the current border
configuration for this component.


    color: '#72aee6',
    style: 'solid',
    width: '2px,
  • Required: No

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width: CSSProperties[ 'width' ]

Controls the visual width of the BorderControl. It has no effect if the
isCompact prop is set to true.

  • Required: No

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withSlider: boolean

Flags whether this BorderControl should also render a RangeControl for
additional control over a border’s width.

  • Required: No

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__experimentalHasMultipleOrigins: boolean

This is passed on to the color related sub-components which need to be made
aware of whether the colors prop contains multiple origins.

  • Required: No

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__experimentalIsRenderedInSidebar: boolean

This is passed on to the color related sub-components so they may render more
effectively when used within a sidebar.

  • Required: No