[Animation image appears of a rectangle which splits and morphs into a spinning world globe with a padlock, jigsaw and code symbol in front of it]
Narrator: Interested in Cyber Defence puzzles and codebreaking?
[Animation image shows the spinning world globe fading into the background and a coiling taipan snake appearing in the foreground and text appears: CyberTaipan, Australian Youth Cyber Defence Competition]
CyberTaipan is an Australian Youth Cyber Defence Competition for teams of students between 12 and 18 years.
[Image changes to show symbols of a password, firewall, skull and crossbones, and hazard appearing in front of the spinning world globe with text: Password, Firewall, Malicious Code, Fake Account]
Manage the network of a small company. Find cyber security vulnerabilities. Receive points for hardening the system and maintain critical services.
[Image changes to show a white screen and the AFA, Northrop Grumman and CSIRO digital careers logos appear below text: CyberTaipan, cybertaipan.csiro.au]
Register now at cybertaipan.csiro.au.