
This section is an active and comprehensive repository of the latest research reports, policy and issue papers, presentations, statements and positions, toolkits, guides, and other relevant publications produced by APC and its members and partners.


APC-wide activities
Financing mechanisms for locally owned internet infrastructure 22 September 2022 Jim Forster, Ben Matranga and Anoop Nagendra

A growing number of community networks and other community connectivity providers are connecting those who have historically been unserved or underserved by traditional internet service providers. This report analyses the operating models and financing mechanisms that can support their success.

Joint Stakeholder Report Universal Periodic Review 41st Session – India 30 August 2022 Access Now, APC, Internet Freedom Foundation

This joint stakeholder report focuses on key issues relating to human rights online in India, including internet shutdowns, digital exclusion, freedom of speech and expression online, online harassment and hate speech, privacy, surveillance and data protection

OEWG: APC emphasises key role played by civil society in cybersecurity capacity building
OEWG: APC emphasises key role played by civil society in cybersecurity capacity building 28 July 2022 APC

APC's statement at the OEWG dedicated stakeholder session also notes that it is encouraging to see the inclusion of language connected with narrowing the digital divide and a growing number of states calling for a gender-sensitive approach to international cybersecurity.

OEWG third substantive session: Key messages from the Association for Progressive Communications
OEWG third substantive session: Key messages from the Association for Progressive Communications 25 July 2022 APC

In this submission to the third substantive session of the UN Open-Ended Working Group on the security of, and in the use of, information and communications technologies (OEWG), APC addresses some of the recommended next steps outlined in the draft progress report.

OEWG: APC stresses importance of a human rights-based and gender-sensitive approach to cybersecurity
OEWG: APC stresses importance of a human rights-based and gender-sensitive approach to cybersecurity 21 July 2022 APC

These APC priorities were reiterated in a statement delivered at the informal dialogue with the Chair of the UN Open-ended Working Group on developments in the field of information and telecommunications in the context of international security (OEWG) 2021-2025.

HRC 50: Civil society presents key takeaways from Human Rights Council
HRC 50: Civil society presents key takeaways from Human Rights Council 14 July 2022 Various

 APC and other civil society organisations from around the world share reflections on the key outcomes of the 50th session of the UN Human Rights Council, as well as the missed opportunities to address key issues and situations.

At the interstice of digital rights and environmental justice: Four issue briefs to inform funding
At the interstice of digital rights and environmental justice: Four issue briefs to inform funding 13 July 2022 APC

These issue briefs highlight potential priority areas for funding that would bring the work of digital rights organisations and environmental justice actors closer together, based on the need for the two groups to work more collaboratively given the global environmental and climate emergency.

Universal Periodic Review 41st session – Indonesia: Freedom of expression, freedom of religion and belief, and digital rights
Universal Periodic Review 41st session – Indonesia: Freedom of expression, freedom of religion and belief, and digital rights 11 July 2022 APC, EngageMedia and SAFEnet

This joint civil society submission focuses particularly on digital rights including freedom of expression, the protection of human rights defenders (HRDs), including women human rights defenders, violence against women and misinformation.

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