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A Developers Guide to Block Themes – Part 2

Learn the how to develop block themes development in part 2 of the Developers Guide to Block Themes.

The course will continue on from what you learned in part 1, and covers more advanced block theme development tactics.

What you will learn:

  • Adding custom fonts to your block theme
  • Adding custom functionality through block patterns
  • Creating Global Styles variations
  • Making your block theme translation ready
  • Locking down your theme settings and blocks
  • Lekce: 21

A Developers Guide to Block Themes – Part 1

Learn the fundamentals of block theme development in part 1 of the Developers Guide to Block Themes.

The course will guide you through the process of developing a block theme from scratch. It covers the fundamental elements of a block theme, teaching you the concepts via real world examples.

What you will learn:

  • The minimum requirements of a block theme
  • Turning design requirements into a theme.json file
  • How to utilize the Site Editor to build out your theme templates
  • Taking the changes from the Site Editor and saving them as theme files
  • Creating Custom Templates, Template Parts, and Variable Templates
  • Lekce: 19

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