Support » Fixing WordPress » Video on landingpage?

  • nina19


    I want to make a video in the top of our webshops landingpage (just like the link below).
    Is there anything I have to be aware of? Program? Compression? Length? Max MB-size? Width/hight, colours, and what else to be aware so it won’t slow the loading, etc?

    Maybe you can link me to a website with a list of all important do’s and don’ts?

    Thank you for your help!

    • This topic was modified 1 year ago by Jan Dembowski. Reason: Moved to Fixing WordPress, this is not an Everything else WordPress topic

    The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]

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  • Madison


    Hi @nina19! I think you might have linked your own site – do you mind linking the site that you were referring to?

    Either way, here are a couple of great articles for considerations when using videos on a WordPress site:

    Hi @nina19! I want to clarify if you’re looking to set up a carousel or to put video where the carousel/slider is located on the example page linked above.

    Begin by checking the options available with your theme to understand precisely which option you want.

    If you do want to add video, consider embedding the video so it will reduce the size and improve the page speed and load times among other things.

    Here are some useful resources on managing video assets as a starting point:


    Video Block

    Thread Starter nina19


    I think you might have linked your own site – do you mind linking the site that you were referring to?

    I actually did … You still can’t see it?



    Ah, I see that link! Yes, you can add a video header to your website. If you’re using the block editor, you can add a Video block and upload the media you wish to use. The panel on the right will give you options for the video, including whether it should autoplay, loop, be muted, etc.


    Thread Starter nina19


    Now a friend told me that video header slider supports only youtube or vimeo videos. This means that I need to upload video to a Youtube channel and link to the webshop.

    Linking the videos sounds a bit troublesome to me. Won’t these linked videos slow the webshop more that if they weren’t linked and annoy the costumers and drag down SEO? And if we in nearest future make videos for 300 products/items (like our competitors), this will really be a big issue, right? If so, do we need another more uptodated template?

    I realy don’t hope so, because this will cost a lot for us. On the other hand we have have to be realistic. What do you think?

    Our template:



    If the theme uses the Gutenberg block editor, it should support uploading your own videos without having to link them to Youtube or Vimeo. I personally can’t speak to how one or the other would affect SEO, but there are some plugins that can help specifically with video SEO: This article may also have some information for how to improve video SEO:

    If you have questions on whether or not your current theme supports uploaded video and how best to accomplish that, I recommend reaching out to the theme’s support directly for those questions:

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