Getting Started

The WordPress theme directory is used by millions of WordPress users all over the world. Themes in the directory are available for download from, and WordPress users can also install them directly from their administration screens.

By hosting your theme on, you’ll get:

The goal of the theme directory isn’t to host every theme in the world, it’s to host the best open source WordPress themes around. Themes hosted on pass on the same user freedoms as WordPress itself; this means that they are 100% GPL or compatible.

Guidelines & Resources

To ensure that WordPress users are guaranteed a good experience, every theme in the directory is reviewed by the themes team. Please review the guidelines before uploading your theme.

Themes from sites that support non-GPL (or compatible) themes or that don’t meet with the theme review guidelines will not be approved.

Your theme will be reviewed using the Theme Unit Test data. Before uploading your theme please test it with this sample export data.

Further resources for theme developers can be found in the Theme Developer Handbook.

For questions about theme development please use the Themes and Templates forum.
