MariaDB Server: The open source relational database

MariaDB 10.11.0 preview release now available

We are pleased to announce the preview release of the MariaDB 10.11 series, MariaDB 10.11.0.
Candidate features for MariaDB 10.11
Preview releases are designed to get features into the hands of users more quickly, and should not be used for production. …

MariaDB 10.9.3, 10.8.5, 10.7.6 and 10.6.10 now available

The MariaDB Foundation is pleased to announce the availability of MariaDB 10.9.3, MariaDB 10.8.5 and MariaDB 10.7.6, the latest Generally Available releases in their respective short-term support series (maintained for one year from their first GA release dates), as well as MariaDB 10.6.10 the latest stable release in the 10.6 long-term support series (maintained for five years). …

Regressions in recent MariaDB Server releases

Our most recent MariaDB Server release introduced some regressions starting with the 10.6 series, affecting 10.7 – 10.9 as well. This blog post is here to explain the problems in hopes that the impact is minimized. …

Publishing of Contribution Statistics

In the last meeting, the MariaDB Foundation Board proposed the regular publishing of contribution statistics. This post is an update on our progress and the first report. …

Generating MariaDB Metrics

Something that is very important to us in the MariaDB Foundation is “Openness”. This is not only in the open source nature of MariaDB, but we are also very transparent in what happens with the MariaDB source code. …