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Autorius: designwicked

Versija: 1.1

Atnaujinta: 27 rugsėjo, 2022

Aktyvių instaliacijų: Mažiau nei 10

WordPress versija: 5.2 ar naujesnė

PHP versija: 7.0 ar naujesnė

Temos tinklalapis

DW-Cybex is fully responsive for mobile/tablet/desktop, and features optional sidebars on the left, center, and right(1 left side, 1 right side, 1 center.) As well as, 2 header menus, one is a part of the design and can be changed in the customizer. The Premium Version has a total of 5 left, 5 right, and 5 center blocks, an HTML footer content box, as well as, a footer length widget area, and a header length widget area, full theme color customizing, and finally, a text/social media bar in the header.

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