
This section features articles that are meant to inform readers about perspectives, issues and debates around certain topics considered relevant within the ICT arena, as well as highlights about all those activities and themes that matter to the APC network and the spaces we engage in.

Local Access: How communities are weaving connectivity to defend the environment and their rights 29 September 2022 By APCNews

Welcome to the 51st monthly round-up of developments impacting your local access networks and community-based initiatives.This month, we look at people shaping connectivity and communications technologies in support of other missing fundamental rights and much more.

New surveillance regulations lurk threateningly in Namibia 26 September 2022 By Frederico Links

Namibia has become the latest African country to introduce mandatory SIM card registration and data retention regulations that will have a far-reaching impact on online privacy and data protection in the country.

Policing the pandemic: Australia’s technology response to COVID-19
Policing the pandemic: Australia’s technology response to COVID-19 23 September 2022 By Samantha Floreani

Australia adopted a range of technology-based responses to address the COVID-19 pandemic, but this approach resulted in “solutions” that ranged from the outright ineffective to the actively punitive.

Join us on #EcoThursday starting in October
Join us on #EcoThursday starting in October 21 September 2022 By APCNews

Starting on 6 October, we invite everyone to join us every Thursday on APC's social media channels (Twitter, Facebook and Instagram), where we will convene and connect academic and activist knowledge about how to use the internet and digital technologies to adapt to and combat climate change.

Brazilian web portal issued warning for spreading disinformation about the Amazon
Brazilian web portal issued warning for spreading disinformation about the Amazon 20 September 2022 By Raquel Santos and Viviane Tavares for Intervozes

A campaign launched on Amazon Day seeks to prevent the financing of Brazilian news sites that are presented as journalistic, but which promote information disorder in the Legal Amazon region.

Arrests mar Malawi’s digital rights landscape
Arrests mar Malawi’s digital rights landscape 19 September 2022 By Jimmy Kainja

Recent instances of the use of state surveillance apparatus for repressive purposes and prosecutions, compounded by a lack of data and online privacy protections and low internet penetration and usage, have heightened fears that the country is regressing in terms of safeguarding online rights.

Risking health for mobility? Limitations of Indonesia’s pandemic management tool
Risking health for mobility? Limitations of Indonesia’s pandemic management tool 14 September 2022 By EngageMedia guest writer

Governments around the world have resorted to apps to restrict freedom of movement for the unvaccinated as part of their COVID-19 response. Some argue that the use of such tools drives up vaccination rates, but sceptics point out that these tools pose risks to privacy and digital security.

Save the date: Roundtable on Digital Cooperation on 19 September
Save the date: Roundtable on Digital Cooperation on 19 September 13 September 2022

The roundtable is an opportunity to interact with the recently appointed UN Tech Envoy Amandeep Singh Gill, on the sidelines of the 77th session of the UN General Assembly, about the Global Digital Compact process and other priorities on the global digital cooperation agenda.

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