APC member grants

Channelling resources to our network members has been a priority for APC since its inception. We have done this in different ways, ranging from Global Information Society Watch (GISWatch) to Take Back the Tech! as well as member travel and exchange grants.

In 2016, we launched additional grants with support from the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (Sida) aimed specifically at enabling members to contribute to achieving the impact objectives identified in APC’s strategic outcomes for 2020-2023.

Grants summary

In 2020, 19 project grants were awarded, for a total of USD 363,077, as well as 19 research and campaign grants, totalling USD 94,795.

In 2019, 17 project grants were awarded for a total of USD 284,893 and 17 research and campaign grants for a total of 84,913. That same year, APC also provided support up to USD 5,000 for campaign activities that were aligned with the Take Back the Tech! campaign to take control of technology to end violence against women. To read more about the TBTT grants in 2019, follow this link.

In 2018, APC awarded a total of USD 341,435 through 15 research and campaign grants and 14 project grants.

In 2017, APC awarded USD 273,986 to 18 member organisations. Ten project grants of up to USD 20,000 were awarded, 11 research and campaign grants of up to USD 5,000 were implemented, and we also supported the development of 28 GISWatch 2017 reports.

In 2016, APC awarded a total of USD 267,918 to our members. Eighteen member organisations received 20 grants, 12 of which were grants for the local implementation of APC's strategic plan of up to USD 20,000 each, while the other eight were research and campaign grants of up to USD 5,000 each. In addition to the above figures, in 2016 APC supported members’ travel with USD 28,584 from the APC Member Exchange and Travel Fund.

Grants available to members

The APC member grants programme offers three types of grants which are available to APC organisational members:


1. APC Member Exchange and Travel Fund (METF) – travel grants of up to USD 2,000 (APPLY ANYTIME)

The METF supports member collaboration and member-driven skill sharing, as well as travel to and participation in strategic events. Its goal is to keep the network strong and vibrant by enabling members to assist and learn from one another. It also enables APC through its members to have a presence in events that are relevant to them and their work, but also to APC’s overall strategic goals.

To learn more or to apply for an APC METF grant, follow this link.


2. Research and campaign support grants – up to USD 12,500

Visit the call for proposals for the APC research and campaign grants 2021

These grants are for research and campaign activities that are linked to APC’s strategic advocacy areas. They can be used for research and advocacy around internet access and rights, as well as activities that build civil society capacity to participate in internet governance. These grants support local campaigns that contribute to members’ advocacy work and are also meant to enable members to participate in APC-wide campaigns. For 2021 our research and campaign grants are also supporting capacity building activities related to safely accessing online spaces and safeguarding privacy online.

Read more about the research and campaign grants throughout the years: 2021 / 2020 / 2019 / 2018 / 2017 / 2016


3. Grants for local implementation of APC’s strategic plan – up to USD 50,000 (2021 call open)

Visit the call for proposals for the APC impact grants 2021

These grants are for projects that contribute to the implementation of APC’s strategic outcomes for 2020-2023 at the national level and are meant to strengthen ongoing work of APC members.

Read more about local implementation of APC's strategic plan grants throughout the years: 2021 / 2020 / 2019 / 2018 / 2017 / 2016


These grants are made possible with the support of the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (Sida). 




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