
A weblog authored by Carthik about the latest in the WordPress world.

Sunday, August 01, 2004

Add an image to your RSS 2.0 feed

Filed under: — Carthik @ 8:00 pm

Reader of this weblog who use a feed reader should now be seeing a small image in their readers.
The RSS 2.0 specification allows for each “channel” or feed to have an image associated with it.

Adding an image to your RSS 2.0 feed is known to be perfectly harmless, and can add some color and jazz to your feeds in the feed-readers’ display. Of course, the effect is entirely cosmetic, but heck, if you can spend hours modifying the design of your blog, why not spend a few minutes modifying how your feed is displayed in readers, considering the fact that a lot of your regular readers might be using a feed reader?

To add an image to the RSS 2.0 feed created by your WordPress weblog, create an image (the maximum value for the width and height for RSS 2.0 feeds are 144 and 400 respectively), upload it to your wp-content folder, which is intended to hold all user-content, and edit your wp-rss2.php file/template to include the image. Change the permissions of the wp-rss2.php file to 666, and you can use WordPress’ in-built template editor to do the editing.

Here is the relevant portion from WordLog’s RSS 2.0 feed :

<title><?php bloginfo_rss('name') ?></title>
<link><?php bloginfo_rss('url') ?></link>
<description><?php bloginfo_rss("description") ?></description>
<copyright>Copyright <?php echo mysql2date('Y', get_lastpostdate()); ?></copyright>


  1. It sounds like I need to get a better feed reader. I currently use klipfolio, but it does not display any info or images – only flashes headlines at me that a site is updated, and i have to click to go directly to the site – so i did not see an image. is it like a favicon of sorts?

    Comment by Jina — 8/1/2004 @ 8:10 pm

  2. It is a small image that gets displayed, no big deal, really. The image for wordlog is here and this image will be shown in the reader, depending on how the reader chooses to display it.

    Comment by Carthik — 8/1/2004 @ 8:52 pm

  3. I see no image with Sage; an RSS Reader extension for FireFox.

    Comment by augie — 8/2/2004 @ 11:57 pm

  4. Or if you really want to have some fun, you can do something similar to get your paypal donate link into your feed. Check the feed from my site, item #1.

    Comment by Kitten — 8/3/2004 @ 4:55 am

  5. test

    Comment by shamzid — 5/6/2007 @ 12:23 am

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