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Creative Commons Rights Expression Language (CC REL) is a specification describing how license information may be described using RDF and how license information may be attached to works.

CC REL is described in CC REL: The Creative Commons Rights Expression Language (pdf), published March 3, 2008. An overview of the vocabulary is available with the namespace description.

CC REL metadata, as encoded using RDFa or XMP, may be embedded in a variety of filetypes. Additional confidence may be added to embedded metadata through the use of web statement.

We have also begun to explore extending CC REL for use by digital copyright registries. See CC Network Development's metadata documentation.

CC REL by Example provides examples of many web deployment scenarios with thorough explanations and is the best place to start if you want a HOWTO or to understand through examples which you can copy and experiment with.




the study by VOLKAN TEMEL is licensed under a 

<a rel="license" href="">Creative Commons 
Attribution Non-Commercial 3.0 License</a>. 
Permissions beyond the scope of this license may be available at 
<a xmlns:cc="" rel="cc:morePermissions" 


<span xmlns:cc="" xmlns:dc="">

<span rel="dc:type" href="" property="dc:title">My Book</span> by 
<a rel="cc:attributionURL" property="cc:attributionName" href="">Jon Phillips</a> 

is licensed under a 

<a rel="license" href="">Creative Commons 
Attribution Non-Commercial 3.0 License</a>. 

<span rel="dc:source" href=""/>
Permissions beyond the scope of this license may be available at 
<a rel="cc:morePermissions" 


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Related To::CC REL|format=table}}

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Related To::CC REL|format=table}}

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