Colored grid of United Nations Sustainable Development Goal icons.

CC at UN #GlobalGoalsWeek 2022

Want to build a fairer, more peaceful world? Creative Commons does and we are joining over 170 other organizations in New York City during 16–25 September to accelerate progress on the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) during 2022 #GlobalGoalsWeek. CC’s deep engagement with the SDGs comes from two of our fundamental beliefs: First, that … Read More “CC at UN #GlobalGoalsWeek 2022”

An illustration showing lots of human hands of various colors reaching together to hold up a glowing, multicolored ball.

Members Share Their Experiences with the CC Open Culture Platform

Do you know about the Creative Commons Open Culture Platform? It’s a space for open culture and cultural heritage practitioners, advocates, and enthusiasts to share resources, hold conversations, and collaborate on matters related to open access to cultural heritage, especially heritage held in galleries, libraries, archives and museums (GLAMs). As we were curious about our … Read More “Members Share Their Experiences with the CC Open Culture Platform”

Photo of Abstract Art including paint strokes of orange, blue, green and red.

What are the barriers to open culture? Here’s what the CC community has to say

What are the barriers to open culture? What challenges do cultural heritage institutions — such as galleries, libraries, archives, and museums (GLAMs) — face in making their collections openly accessible online? How could Creative Commons support institutions in addressing these challenges and taking part in better sharing of cultural heritage? In search of answers, we … Read More “What are the barriers to open culture? Here’s what the CC community has to say”

CC Expresses Views on Italian National Cultural Heritage Digitization Plan

A few weeks ago, the Italian Ministry of Culture issued its National Cultural Heritage Digitization Plan 2022-2023 – Guidelines for the acquisition, sharing and reuse of digital cultural heritage reproductions.  While the Plan is welcome as an important step towards the digital transformation of cultural heritage institutions (CHIs), it risks nonetheless restricting, rather than increasing, … Read More “CC Expresses Views on Italian National Cultural Heritage Digitization Plan”

CC Certificate: Alumni interview with Revekka Kefalea

Launched in 2018, the Creative Commons Certificate program has trained and graduated over 1000 people from 56 countries.  Creative Commons staff are regularly inspired by the community of Certificate alumni, accomplishing incredible things in open knowledge and culture. CC Certificate alumni have used the Certificate course knowledge in a number of ways—read about how alumni … Read More “CC Certificate: Alumni interview with Revekka Kefalea”

Announcing the winners of CC Open Culture Remix Art Contest 2022 #CCSharesCulture

In honor of the 20th anniversary of Creative Commons licenses, we launched our first ever Open Culture Remix Art Contest #CCSharesCulture in February 2022 to celebrate a better sharing of cultural heritage around the world. Participants were tasked with creating original artworks in line with this year’s theme of “Love Culture? Share Culture!” by remixing … Read More “Announcing the winners of CC Open Culture Remix Art Contest 2022 #CCSharesCulture”

Virtual Workshop Recap: Towards Better Sharing of Cultural Heritage

Background to the workshop At the start of April 2022, Creative Commons released a policy paper called “Towards Better Sharing of Cultural Heritage — An Agenda for Copyright Reform” developed by members of the Creative Commons (CC) Copyright Platform and CC friends from around the world, which addresses the key high-level policy issues affecting access … Read More “Virtual Workshop Recap: Towards Better Sharing of Cultural Heritage”

Eight case studies show opportunities, challenges, and needs of low-capacity and non-Western cultural heritage institutions

In October 2021, Creative Commons launched a call for case studies on open access in cultural institutions such as galleries, libraries, archives and museums (GLAMs), from low-capacity, non-Western institutions, or representing marginalized,underrepresented communities from various parts of the world. The aim of the open call was to help generate a more global, inclusive, and equitable … Read More “Eight case studies show opportunities, challenges, and needs of low-capacity and non-Western cultural heritage institutions”