The INSPIRE Geoportal is the central European access point to the data provided by EU Member States and several EFTA countries under the INSPIRE Directive. The Geoportal allows:

  • monitoring the availability of INSPIRE data sets;
  • discovering suitable data sets based on their descriptions (metadata);
  • accessing the selected data sets through their view or download services.

The metadata used in the Geoportal are regularly harvested from the discovery services of EU Member States and EFTA countries. The status of harvesting is available here.

Feedback regarding the functionality as well as data set availability is welcome here.

Priority Data Sets Viewer

Priority Data Sets Viewer logo

The application displays the availability and provides access to the selected priority data sets used for environmental reporting. It allows filtering by environmental domain, environmental legislation and country, as well as individual priority data sets.

INSPIRE Thematic Viewer

Thematic Viewer logo

The application displays the availability and provides access to all EU MS data sets falling under the scope of INSPIRE Directive filtered by data themes and countries (i.e. Annex I, II and III).

INSPIRE Reference Validator

The validator application is to help data providers, solution providers and national coordinators to check whether their data sets, network services and metadata meet the requirements defined in the INSPIRE Technical Guidelines.
The validation tests are based on the Abstract Test Suites agreed between Member States and the Commission in the INSPIRE Maintenance and Implementation Group.